
Best players in Club World Championship 2016/17

soidensir3 2017-01-14 • 3637 views
Club World Championship had an amazing finale as host team Sada Cruzeiro once again climbed to the top of the world for their third crown at the competition, this time with an unbelievable performance over Zenit Kazan in front of a packed Ginásio Divino Braga in Betim. MVP William Arjona and scorers Evandro Guerra and Yoandy Leal were the main actors of a team that played astonishingly as a whole. The three of them represented the gold medal winners in the competition Dream Team, as well as libero Sergio Nogueira. Wing spiker Wilfredo León and middle-blocker Artem Volvich featured for Kazan while Trentino’s Simone Giannelli and Bolívar’s Pablo Crer also joined the elite.

#ArtemVolvich #EvandroGuerra #YoandyLealHidalgo #PabloCrer #SergioNogueiraSerginho #SimoneGiannelli #WilfredoLeon #WilliamArjonaElMago #ClubWorldChampionship201617

Title of song: Spektrem - Shine
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