We are thinking about changing a way of accepting movies, news and links (from the waiting room to the homepage).
Actually only users with moderator / administrator permissions are able to push a movie / news / link from the waiting room to the homepage.
Now we are thinking about giving such opportunity for you. I mean about creating an algorithm which will mark movies from the waiting room as good enough to be displayed on the homepage.
Some details:
- "Power" of one vote of different users will be different.
- Movie / news / link have to exceed a certain minimum threshold to be displayed on the homepage.
- Movies / news / links on the waiting room will waiting only some period (e.g. two weeks), then will be displayed only in tagged items (not on the homepage).
There are some pros and cons of such change:
- Only the best content will be displayed on the homepage
- You will decide what is interesting, not subjective administrators
- Maybe there will be more votes for movies etc.
- There is a risk that there will be e.g. one new movie per week (instead of ~ 20)
- Such change is good for a services with general topics but not for services about specific topic (like volleyball).
What is your opinion in this matter?
Seems great to offload some admin work. The problem with crowd-sourcing "quality" is that this is the Internet, and there are more Haters than Likers on the Internet. Haters gonna Hate. Likers gonna Like. Doesn't really speak to quality. I dunno.
But on the homepage only best movies, news and links will be presented.
The another question is who observes a new movies on the players pages? I was thinking about creating a mechanism for an observing a tags, players etc. and sending users a notifications / emails that there is something new there.