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Match results
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- Pool A
- Pool B
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- Pool D
Play-Off Elimination Group
Seeding Group

Best players
2001 Girls' Youth World Championship - Match Reports

Play-Off / Seeding Group

China beat Brazil 3-0 (25-21, 25-13, 25-22) - duration 1:07
26-Sep, start time: 16:30, end time: 17:37 - Attendance: 100
Quick Chineze play destroyed Brasil
Brazil defeated by China 0:3 (21:25; 13:25; 22:25) - duration: 1:01
26 Sep, start time 16:30, end time 17:37
Attendance: 100
Chinese Quick Play Destroyed Brazil
Chinese players showed better volleyball, especially in defense. Also, it should be acknowledged a Chinese setter, Zhang Qian, who did a great job in organizing the fast and concise play. In other volleyball elements attack, block, serve and reception the teams' performation was about the same, but Brazil made 26 errors in comparison to Chinese 7. On the other side of the court, Brazilian team did not look motivated at all, as in all three matches in a preliminary round.
Russia beat Chinese Taipei 3-0 (25-15, 25-17, 25-22) - duration 1:04
26-Sep, start time: 21:20, end time: 22:24 - Attendance: 100
Russia won without bigger problems.
Chinese Taipei defeated by Russia 0:3 (15:25; 17:25; 22:25)- duration: 1:07
26 Sep, start time 21:20, end time 22:24
Attendance: 100
Successful Russian Attack
The day ended with facing the other two teams from the seeding group, Russia who according to statistics, after the preliminary round was the best team receiver, and Chinese Taipei who was leading with the best service. Chinese Taipei was serving good in this match and brought some problems to Russian receivers, but European team had better hitting and blocking percentage and successfuly finished the game.