
Rachael Adams in Club World Championship 2016

soidensir3 2017-01-08 • 2714 visualizzazioni
Born in the United States in 1990, middle-blocker Rachael Alexis Adams began her volleyball career in 2006. Adams has played with Austin Texas (2008-2011), Palac Bydgoszcz (2012-2013), MKS Dabrowa Gornicza (2013-2014) and Imoco Conegliano (2014-2016). In 2013, her club MKS Dabrowa Gornicza won the Poland Super Cup and in the 2015-2016 season, Imoco Volley Conegliano won the Italy Championship. A member of the US national team, Adams won the gold medal at the World Championship in 2014, North American Championship in 2015, Pan-American Cup in 2013, and Pan-American Games in 2015. She was also voted “Best Server” at the 2014 Montreux Volley Masters and “Best Middle Blocker” at the 2015 Pan-American Games.

#RachaelAdams #FIVBClubWorldChampionship201617

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Rachael Adams

Rachael Adams Stati Uniti

Data di nascita: 1990-06-03
Posizione: Centrale
Altezza: 190cm
Peso: 81kg
Schiacciata: 315cm
Muro: 307cm

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