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Is it confirmed that Lukasz Zygadlo ends his career? I saw it on his volleybox profile
Replace Resovia Rzeszów to Asseco Resovia Rzeszów, who changed this?
Can someone explain why Trentino is playing in CL while Modena played better semi-finals against Perugia in 2018/19?
Please delete Jan Nowakowski in polish squad for Olympics Qualifications, there was Piotr Nowakowski.
Add end carreer to Raphael Vinhedo.
Could u end World Cup 2019 predictions? Its making mess in prediction games
Why u dont add predictions for final and 3rd place match at Club World Championship?
@Volleybox why u are rejecting mine insertions about clubs? Bruno Rezende and Ngapeth joined Modena in 13/14 season after few months -RJX Rio de Janeiro fell off, Earvin left Kuzbass due to problems with the birth of a child, but you... Mostrar mais