Resovia Rzeszów - Lube Civitanova (full match)
The night belonged to Tsvetan Sokolov and Osmany Juantorena, who scored 20 and 19 points respectively, while Yoandy Leal and Robertlandy Simon added another 14 and 13 points. But in the end Resovia themselves contributed to Lube's win with more than a set's-worth of unforced errors, at 26.
#CzestochowaHallCzestochowa #TsvetanSokolov #BrunoRezendeBruninho #YoandyLealHidalgo #OsmanyJuantorena #RobertlandySimonAties #KawikaShoji #ThibaultRossard #LukePerry #CucineLubeCivitanova #AssecoResoviaRzeszow #ClubWorldChampionship201819

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