Kacper 17
2017-08-13 • 2807 просмотров

The Czech Republic is an interesting representation. They never know what they are capable of, and their greatest success is 4th place in the 2003 World Cup. There are no people out there today. The team is relatively young, but it has already been played. They have been together for several years, so the coach did not have to do a lot of work with the European Championship.

Setter: Jakub Janouch, Matyas Demar

Spiker: Jan Hadrava, Michal Finger

Middle Blocker: Marek Beer, Radek Mach, Adam Zajicek, Ales Holubec

Receiver: Donovan Dzavoronok, Marek Zmrhal, Adam Bartos, Petr Michalek

Libero: Martin Krystof, Jan Galabov

Coach: Michal Nekola

#JakubJanouch #CzechRepublic #MartinKrystof #EuropeanChampionships2017 #MichalFinger

Czech Republic - European Champinships 2017 Roster
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