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Have you heard that in other sports are "medical transfers"? Plusliga compromises ...
I do not understand the transfer policy of Polish clubs ... Zaksa having a talented 18-year-old Kosian, who could easily start to be a substitute, take Shaw ...
Italians, in this tournament will appear in a little weakened composition. There will be stars such as Ivan Zaytsev, who resigned after the fight with the Italian for the shoes he is about to perform. Juantorena took a break, for... Daha fazla göster
Belgians have long been a very uncomfortable opponent for favorites. They have many good volleyball players in their team, and in addition, the current brown medalist of the Vital Neynen World Championships is also training. They... Daha fazla göster
Poland as current Champions of the World, which they have won in Poland, at the current European Championship also play at home. The fans will surely want to take them to gold as in 2014. At the previous European Championships, t... Daha fazla göster
The Czech Republic is an interesting representation. They never know what they are capable of, and their greatest success is 4th place in the 2003 World Cup. There are no people out there today. The team is relatively young, but ... Daha fazla göster
Serbian setter Alex Brdjović this season is not able to help his country. Absence in the 24-year-old playmaker surprised many retinue fans. It turned out that this athlete has health problems and it is quite serious. Studies have... Daha fazla göster
Men's team of Turkey did not have such great achievements as women's volleyball. Another tournament also does not promises to be outstanding. In sparring before the European Championships they did not play somehow, but they did n... Daha fazla göster
After the Bulgarian volleyball revolution, the team is trying to return to great success again. Last years in Bulgaria looked very poor. Today Bulgarian should not be underestimated, coach Plamen Konstantinov believes that his te... Daha fazla göster
The defenders of the French title this year have already won the world league. The European Championships are also favorites and they can not imagine returning home without a gold medal. Compared to the previous European Champion... Daha fazla göster
The Russians at the previous European Championships did not reach anything, they finished the quarterfinals. This year promises good in Russian volleyball. Changing coaches, rejuvenating the team in the world league and taking a ... Daha fazla göster
Spain exactly 10 years ago unexpectedly won the European Championship, which was held in Russia. For the current championship, they barely advanced, and the good game Spaniards have long since heard. Will the new generation of Sp... Daha fazla göster
Finland is a representation of which volleyball can not be underestimated. They are still waiting for success, although this season they have been very rejuvenated and want to gather in the tournament in Poland the necessary expe... Daha fazla göster
After a great success at the previous European Championships in Slovenia, there was a change of coaches. The once great Andrea Giani replaced Andrea Giani. Today Slovenian people are not ordinary, today they are in the role of fa... Daha fazla göster
Coach Andrej Kravarik and his assistants Martin Pipa and Roman Kassa announced the team for the European Championships which will be held in Poland.
Setter: Juraj Zatko, Filip Palgut
Spiker: Milan Bencz, Peter Mlynarcik
... Daha fazla gösterThe new head coach of the Germany volleyball team Andrea Giani has chosen 14 players for the upcoming European Championship tournament in Poland. Check out the full roster!
Setter: Lukas Kampa, Jan Zimermann
Spiker: Geor... Daha fazla göster
The team is not present and has been entered for the competition - says coach SKS Hajnówka, Paweł Blomberg.
The Polish Volleyball Federation has provided preliminary schedules for the first and second leagues. Two teams from Podla... Daha fazla göster
13-year-old Kacper suffers from hydrocephalus and congenital malformations. Although he has undergone two operations recently, his illness has progressed and over time it became clear that the boy would have to move in a wheelcha... Daha fazla göster
Yesterday was the preliminary composition of the 1st league of men and pair of 1st round of the main round, accepted by the Division of PZPS. The schedule and composition of the league must still be approved by the board of the P... Daha fazla göster