[Fixed] Adding Rosters to Tournaments?

sitenoise 334
2019-04-24 • 1888 vues • 5 replies

I'd love to be able to add rosters to various tournaments. Maybe the idea already came up and was dismissed as too unwieldy. VNL for example has a wide roster and then limited rosters per round. So how fine-tuned would you go?

It's also weird that "youth" and "junior" have become U18 and U20 --given this database's requirement for something added today to repeat back to the beginning of time.

I don't understand the 'points' system here for players at all, but there are a lot of young players who have been MVP in U-tournaments and deserve some love. 

[Edit] Well, we can add 'awarded' players, but I think being one of a dozen young players chosen to represent your country is also worth noting. 

Why I want to do this ... when a player joins a club team it seems worthwhile to know if they've ever been on a youth or junior National Squad -- as opposed to thinking they just popped up out of nowhere. Or something like that.


[Fixed] Adding Rosters to Tournaments?
sitenoiseAuthor 334 9
il y a 5 ans
Or, to put it another way:
Adding Tournaments to a player's page. For example, Rino Murooka just won a Gold Medal at the 2019 Cornacchia U19 World Cup (U18). I'd like to add that to her resumé. And I'd like to acknowledge that she was one of twelve U18 volleyball players in All of Japan to be selected to go win that Gold Medal!

Maybe there is a way to do this and I'm just missing it?
S…k 717 16
il y a 5 ans
Yes, and I think it would be nice to be able to create tournaments where national teams can play with club teams, it happens sometimes. For example in the Asian Club Championships, Thailand played for men and North Korea and Taipei for women in the middle of clubs.
sitenoiseAuthor 334 9
il y a 5 ans
Interesting. I know Thailand Women have sent their NT--basically--to the Club Champs, but they do it under guise, and name, of a club team with "loaners".
Volleybox 440
il y a 5 ans
You are able to add rosters of national teams now.
sitenoiseAuthor 334 9
il y a 5 ans
Cool! Are you going to require sources? It would be nifty to have a link at the bottom of the roster for the source ... but maybe that's too much. Great work. You are fast. Thank you!
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