Join World Cup 2015 prediction game!

Volleybox 440
2015-09-06 • 5051 vues • 1 replies

On the occasion of the upcoming Men World Cup 2015 tournament we launched a new feature on There are prediction games.

You were adding your predictions by adding a comments in some topic so far. Now there is system which help you to add your predictions in a simpler way and help us to count your results.

Participation is still free. No fees shall be charged during the game. Only registered users could participate in the games.

After finishing World Cup 2015 tournament your points from the game will be added to your ranking points on

To join World Cup 2015 game you should:

  1. open "Games" category in main menu
  1. choose "Men World Cup 2015" game from the list
  1. click "Join the game" button and accept Regulations of the game
  1. add your predictions by choosing score and clicking "Save" button


Under every game you have "Predictions" link which allows you to preview predictions of other users. You could preview all predictions by some user by clicking his nickname or avatar in game classification.

Results will be refreshed by admins.

Have fun!

#Volleyboxnet #WorldCup2015

Join World Cup 2015 prediction game!
zver 995 13
il y a 8 ans
I can't on my phone ?(
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