2012-01-05 • 3615 vues • 15 replies
Is it good to practice running if you play volleyball?

People say no because vball is not a running sport. You have to focus on the quick movement.

What is your opinion?
Berny 606 6
il y a 12 ans
Ones a week I run exercise about an hour. So some poeple are really wrong ?
il y a 12 ans
Running is very healthy + it can make your your leg muscles grow
NightFox 1457 14
il y a 12 ans
Every day I run 6-10 km. It's very relaxing (yeah relaxing) for me when I run and listen a good music.
Nagor 1445 14
il y a 12 ans
I think that running is always good for your organism. Of course if you do it correctly. But I think, that running will not build your muscles, only give them more strength and endurance. If you want to have bigger muscles on legs - go train to gym ? And remember, if you havn't really good shoes to run, run only on soft ground, like grass or special running patches.

I will running in every not-training day, I will begin in early spring, cause now I am always sick or nearly sick, so I dont wanna to go worse...

The most effective running is running immediately after waking, about 20 min of trot without breakfast. You can make body sculpture perfect ?
NightFox 1457 14
il y a 12 ans
Nagor that's true about the running, but I'm doing the opposite because I like to run in the middle of the night. For example at 11 p.m with my handsfree and the streets are empty waiting for me ?
Nagor 1445 14
il y a 12 ans
Ok Ok, I didnt say that running is effective only after wake up ? But It is most efective for people, who want to burn fat or build sculpture ?
Gregor 77 2
il y a 12 ans
how can running be bad? ? You should make long distances to make condition and something like fast slow fast slow to build up Your speed
Berny 606 6
il y a 12 ans
And stop smoking Wilfredo!!!! ?
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
I am not smoking! Gregor is, look at his photo! ?
Harleym 55 3
il y a 12 ans
It could be bad for you indeed.
Considering volleyball that is.
Volleyball is a fast sport which contains a lot of fast twitch muscles. Fast twitch muscles is partly genetical (thats why some people jump extremely high), but there is a part where it is trainable. The trainable part are the muscle fibres that can either form fast twitch muscle or slow twitch muscle. If you run a lot, your muscle will create slow twitch muscles which will help you run longer, but you won't be able to create the fast twitch muscles.
The right exercises can also help you to develop fast twitch muscles, and so help you jump higher.

It isn't as black and white as I am stating above, of course you can run, without being scared of losing jump height, but a long distance runner will never jump high.

Last but not least. If you don't eat enough, or you are running with a heartrate thats to high, or you are running very long, you have the chance of not only burning fat, but also burning muscles. Muscles are in its primary form, proteïne and can so be turned into fuel for your body.
So if you decide to run, eat well, beforehand and afterwards, so you won't burn muscles but only fat or other stored carbohydrates.

thats it for me, hope it helps
John17 151 7
il y a 12 ans
If you think that all the post of "Wilfredo is Marshall" are unnecessary : push the green button !
Harleym 55 3
il y a 12 ans
Ive made a comment about plusasking before John17, don't let me do it again!
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
il y a 12 ans
My neighbor told me that biking does not improve your vertical. It does not strenghthen the jumping muscles.
Harleym 55 3
il y a 12 ans
Wilfredo, your friend is right. Biking is to much repetitions for it to be effective as a vertical exercise.
Fadhel Abbas 1513 14
il y a 12 ans

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