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Giacomo Sintini nice action

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2014-11-07 • 2097 vues
Giacomo Sintini showed a fighting spirit. This action shows his posibilities in the defence and he later returned on the playground and blocked Matteo Paoletti. Former setter of Italian national team announced on 13th June 2011 that he has been diagnosed with cancer. In December 2012, doctors happily informed him that he has regained enough strength to start playing volleyball again. Now Sintini is player of Vibo Valentia (current name: Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia). That was match in Italian Serie A2 2014/15. Vibo won that action and whole match 3:1. They are on the 2nd place in the table.

#GiacomoSintini #GruppoConsoliCentraledelLatteBrescia #TonnoCallipoCalabriaViboValentia #ItalianSerieA2201415 #volleyballdig

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