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Ivan Zaytsev (7th movie)

themaxrom 2016-12-09 • 1915 vues
Born in Spoleto (PG) on 2nd October 1988. Height 202. Spiker. Plays with Sir Safety Perugia. As an Azzurro he won the Mediterranean Games held in Pescara on 2009, the silver medal during the 2011 European Championship, the bronze Olympic medal in London 2012, the bronze medal in the FIVB World League 2013, the silver medal in the CEV European Championship 2013, the bronze medal in the FIVB Grand Champions Cup 2013, the bronze medal in the FIVB World League 2014 and the bronze medal during the European Championships 2015 and silver medal in the World Cup.


Ivan Zaytsev

Ivan Zaytsev Italie

Date de naissance: 1988-10-02
Position: Pointu
Taille: 204cm
Poids: 100kg
Attaque: 370cm
Bloc: 355cm

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