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Joao José tribute

Volleybox 2015-07-10 • 2382 vues
Portugal’s captain says goodbye to the national team after 256 matches! The 37-year-old Joao Jose, the best middle-blocker of the World Championships 2002. Match against Finland in World League 2015 Intercontinental Round was his last match in Portuguese NT. "I feel as if something is going away. Something is going to stop existing. Every year if there was anything guaranteed is that when May arrives I would be here. To leave is to take off the shirt, to not sing the Portuguese anthem anymore. It is complicated. I think the time when I really felt I was leaving was when I started singing the anthem. We know that when we take off the national shirt we will stop doing it. It was a decision I thought through carefully. What am I going to miss the most? The people, apart from the pleasure of representing the national team. One of the strong points of our team has always been the team spirit, our will to help each other".

#JoaoJose #tribute

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João José

João José Portugal

Date de naissance: 1978-06-07
Position: Central
Taille: 195cm
Poids: 87kg
Attaque: 352cm
Bloc: 345cm
Club actuel: Portugal (Portugal)

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