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Nice gesture of Plamen Konstantinov

champion 2012-03-28 • 3223 vues • 5
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5 commentaires

kuba9426PL 441 7
il y a 12 ans
miss him in nt
camnowPL 380 4
il y a 12 ans
@nightfox t truth truth...Like you said it :)
EdoKaglieIT 432 4
il y a 12 ans
I like it! ;)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
il y a 12 ans
Very emotional interview by Plamen, he said very true things and we're so proud of him. I like the part when he's saying that he's 36 y old and he will not have this chance again, but Matey at 26 will have the chance several times and the life is just not fair ... that's really the truth about the life !

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