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Nizhny Novgorod - Lokomotiv Novosibirsk (full match)

luck191 2014-03-15 • 2297 vues
Full game of 16th round in Eastern Division of Russian Superliga 2013/14: Nizhny Novgorod - Lokomotiv Novosibirsk. Team coached by Andrey Voronkov won in four sets 3:1 (25:17, 25:20, 25:27; 25:23). They played with a heart. They more confident and they stayed focused and strong till the end. On the opposite side there was stars of Russian volleyball like: Nikolay Pavlov, Pawel Abramov and Alexey Kuleshov. In that game Lukas Divis played great in reception and attack. He scored 13 points (68% in attack). Also Nikolay Pavlov played on his highest level (best scorer with 18 points and 46% in attack). Now Lokomotiv is on the third place in "blue group" and Novgorod on the fourth position. "We are in a good shape and we have been playing well in recent times", said on the press conference coach of Lokomotiv Novosibirsk, Andrey Voronkov.

#NikolayPavlov #LukasDivis #LokomotivNovosibirsk #ASKNizhnyNovgorod #RussianSuperleague201314

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