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@casamodena I heard even that the suspension could be for 2 years. Is it true or did someone mix it up with some other rules?
@raylight I respecfully disagree. In my opinion Zhekov is an average setter and I simply don't see him in Skra, that's all. I don't like his play with MB (I didn't like Falasca's either, but that's also why Skra needs a better setter, not only someone who plays just the same). In most of the games I saw him in (mostly Bulgarian NT, not so much club, I have to say) he set very predictable, slow and high balls to the wings. I expect more from a setter in a team that wants to play a role in Europe, not only in their own league. That's it.
I respect your opinion, but I have mine own, respect it too instead of calling the level of reasoning low. Very convenient way to depreciate every opinion different than yours.
Sorry to all the Bulgarian friends who appreciate Zhekov, but.... WHAT? No, please... Drzyzga would be a better investment for the future... Or get Steuerwald from Politechnika Warszawska, he's better.
Watching this game you can easily see how much de Cecco improved his serve. Now he's got strong, difficult serve, often scores points with it. Here it's still all about float :)
Honestly, in my opinion that was the only thing that Prandi could do in that situation and I'm not surprised at all. Imagine working for someone who has already fired you once and didn't give you another chance.
But - what's the most important in all of this - imagine working in such conditions, when you know that your bosses are arrogant and stupid "experts" who can fire you again out of the blue, who will most probably throw stumbling blocks in front of you all over the way and won't lend you a helping hand.
And the team is divided, arguing and struggling to find unity again. The best player of the team threatens to boycott it.
He would have to be a madman...

This is terrible, it should never happen in the world of volleyball. I feel really sorry for Bulgarian NT and I hope that they can overcome all this craziness soon.
Info from twitter:

На просьбу прокомментировать новость о Фаласке главный тренер уфимцев Анджиолино Фригони ответил: "Я еще не знаю. Но надеюсь, что да"

Asked to comment on the possible transfer of Falasca the main coach of Ufa Angiolino Frigoni said: "I don't know yet. But I hope yes".

V and U L E S H O

N and E T Y U K H I
@Nightfox Is it because of firing Rado? Or he simply decided to protest generally against the decisions and behaviour of the Bulgarian Federation in the pas few years?
@marchst Also Spanish commentators said during the game Argentina - Chile in the South American OG qualifications that Conte will play in Russia. Didn't say, which team, only Russia.
@phoenix I'm waiting for some kind of repayment for focusing so hard on Italy's win tonight ?
Great, betovoley, thanks for that! Please, upload also the other games versus Colombia and the final versus Venezuela, if you have the chance.
I agree with the rest - bad decision, especially just before World League and - what's more important - before the intercontinental OG qualification tournament.
@RenanZ Ask Giba, he announced it on his Twitter account and presented photos of himself in Drean Bolivar t-shirt. Also Drean Bolivar confirmed it ?
@Someone I agree that probably there was no case, just press speculation.
About Drean Bolivar - it so happens that their sponsor is one of the wealthiest men in Argentina, so it could be that they have more money than any of the Polish clubs. I don't say that's the case, but I allow such an option and wouldn't deny it based only on my beliefs ?
Someone, have you ever thought that Skra maybe didn't have such money to sign Giba? ? I think no Polish team had, maybe JW, but even here I'm not so sure ? For me the case of Giba in a Polish club never existed ?
Heh, I would like to see it, especially Fei as a receiver :)
Polish anthem in Spodek il y a 12 ans 0
Maybe he's an awful singer and doesn't wanna hurt the ears of his teammates? :)
@tomdoki He had an injury and he's still not in the best form. He slowly gains it back. That's why Atanasijevic plays as opposite number 1.
I don't trust Pasini's blog. If Trento's or Kazan's website does not confirm it, I don't trust this info about Juantorena.
One thing - if this comes to be true, I would lose all respect I have for Juantorena. I understand the desire to earn more money but this would just be childish and unreasonable. Once you made the decision and signed the contract, that's it, there's no step back. Take the responsibility.

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