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ahahaha I wanted to write "all the teamS"!! =) sorry ?

all the team are going to play on friday?
voices about a chance that Ball will come back in a club of the superliga because the championship will be shorter
Pieri (libero of Latina) probably tu Perugia, A2

About Sisley Treviso, seems sure that they will play the A1, but with a young team of italian. so, bye bye to all the veterans, probably to all the foreign, e probably also to Piazza, not interesting in working without prospective.
Also Kovar has request from Macerata and Roma.

btw, I can't see the meaning of playing with a team like this, probably it will give no chance to find another main sponsor in an year...
you can find here the news about san giustino (it's always the same links, but it's "uploaded")
confirmed starovic and conte; proably uriarte will follow them; fabricio dias ro Voley Futuro
nothing, unfortunally... As you probably remember I follow Rome, so I would really like to know more about our players' destiny! I'll write something as soon I read news about it?

wait!, I can add this:

All. Radostin Stoytchev (confermato), Vice allenatore Serniotti (confermato)
Arrivi/trattative: Djuric (C/O, SER, da Olympiakos GRE), Verhanneman (S, Belgio, da Roeselare)
Sestetto: Raphael (P) - Stokr (O); Birarelli (C) - (C), Kasiyski (S) - Juantorena (S); Bari (L)
A disp: Della Lunga (S), Sokolov (O), Colaci (L), Leonardi (C), Bratoev (S), Verhanneman (S).
Partenze/ o da confermare: Riad (C, Brasile), Sala (C, Cuneo, Modena), Zygadlo (P, Roma)

according to it (, Trento isn't waiting for another MB. btw, i remeber voices about a new bulgarian in trento, and the fact they were probably interested in yosifov or todorov... and last year they had 4 MBs, so I think it's possible they will chose another one...
"No....probably Grbic join to Rome team... "
not in Cuneo intention! and honestly, Id' really really like to have him in Rome, but I think it's hard he will move... Today in a press conference Cuneo said that Baranowicz will have the chance to learn from him, so...

casamodena, it's sure that San Giustino took conctact with uriarte, I don't know if it's sure that they make an agreement, but seems really probably.
Actually it's not official that Conte and Starovic signed, but seems to be really sure.
@chrison, you forget to add Parodi to the list?...
then, I imagine you are using rutracker, because we have (and don't haveXD) the same matches!=)
Starovic (from Latina, but he was of Macerata) and Conte (Macerata) to San Giustino. My dream of seeing Facundo playing for Rome with Zaytsev ended... For Conte San Giustino "won" against Modena, Monza, Lube. I'm not surprised he didn't want to be on the bench in Macerata, but I can't get why he didn't prefer a team that will play in Europe...

@VK_Grad: Grbic as first setter, Baranowicz as second.

yes, really good rally!
thanks, raylight! Do you have also Cuneo-Macerata semifinal? it was an amazing match, and I would like to see it again, but I can't find it!
she was pregnant and lost the baby =(
Piacenza interested in Penchev (as sub?). they think they don't have enough bulgarian yet ?

@Zyta, i think is weird too! Now I'll probably bet on San Giustino...

"which club does it? Cuneo doesn't thank Nikolov, nor Lube to Valerio [except not eon website that he's leaving], nor Monza for Travica. "

You're right about Nikolov, but Monza did for Travica, Macerata did for Vermiglio and Vadeleux.
Monopoli second setter of Macerata. he comes back in Macerata where he plays from 2005 t0 2010. This year he was in Santa Croce, A2.

Cuneo gave a press conference to present Vissotto, N'gapeth, Baranowicz (Zyta, I confirm, he grown up in Cuneo). Not even a word to thanks Parodi...
Zhekov first setter!

Monza said that they've never been interested in papi, but that it's true they were interested in Conte: unfortunally for them, he didn't accept, because "he don't wanna play the CEVcup". (form an interwiev of Monza sportive director)
That's really really surprised me! If that's true, I imagine Facu will join San Giustino...
Gradowski to Bydgozcz, Jakub Novotny from Skra to Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic, his NT)

@Zyta, I'm sorry, I don't know nothing about Rossi... About Baranowicz I think you are right. I'll add that he was in loan from Cuneo in Resovia, so is not so strange they wanted him back. Grbic will be a great example for him.
oh, I read now the sad news about jaqueline, I'm so sorry for them...=(
I also read that Murilo will miss the match against Portorico, but I hope I'll take more time to stay with the family, Brazil is strong enough to let him stay with his wife.
"Murilo will be out from Brazilian NT for next two weeks (at least). He is facing personal issues. "

I'm keeping saying that this world league is unlucky!XD So many teams without important players!
I agree about fei, but I read that, so I share it=)

btw, I wonder what it's goign to do treviso. If they are going to let all his best players leave, what's the meaning of this last (until now) year in serie A1? Nothing about Sisley interested in someone...
right, I read it to, I forgot to write it downXD

I know that also Modena is interested in Fei, but as second of Dennis (but with enough chanches to play, I guess..). About Kovar there are many voices, it's hard to make a prediction...

the info I added are form DallariVolley. Even if the blog you visited is good (Pasini is a 'Gazzetta dello Sport' journalist) I prefer dallari, he gives less information but usually right? (for ex he said "this club is speaking with this player": I trust it with no doubt, even if may be at the end the club doesn't buy the player, or the player choses another option)
be ready to BG PiacenzaXD

others info:

Pajenk almost sure in Macerata from Verona as third MB
Verona is looking for Gavotto or Sabbi to replace Lasko
Kovar: Modena or Macerata, probably (In Modena as titoular? I don't know..)
Piacenza was thinking to Cernic or Papi (he seems to be preferres to cernic) to play titoular with zlatanov. Cernic may be in Vibo...
Vibo cofirimed Coscione-Simeonov, Barone-N.Nikolov, as spiker-receiver Diaz/Cernic/Thiago Alvez

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