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@HCLT'"By saying “He” you’re talking about the Polaco guy who wrote before me, right?. Well, I don’t get why some people need to know if their players would be good enough to join other NTs." Please don't change main point od discussion if you are serious and you know something about vball, I didn't said Kurek is wow "unlimited ;)" so he can join to Brazil and if u admit that I will be exaited like kid"yes yes yes" I just gave you example, small part of interview with Rezende and Zorzi but as I see you can't give me the prove also you changed subject to NT even I didn't say polish team is the best and only with top player because I am Polaco guy not "Brazilaco". You speak about wrong things that I've never mentioned as well I can write u're wrong because u're fan of brazil NT and u see and like only them even in this discussion haven't been anything about your NT
@HCLT remarks about Poland but when? When Lozano was coach or Castellani? Now I'm speaking about one player about Kurek and please give me example that he is as bed as you think but avoid "somethinh like it's my opinion" Moreover during last year my NT changed a lot and It's given results. But probably u mean the team from 2010. Please if there is link with english translation of this book send it ;)
@proud I,ve never said I don't like Kaziyski. I wrote there isn't as big distance between Matey and Kurek as between Michal and normal V-ball fans without local teams argues. I like Kaziyski for me he's 2nd after Juantorena as reciver. But i don't want to think that Bulgarian starts argue because I didn't write there is Matey and nothing else.
@ nightfox I know 1984 I wrote if he will... there is diffrence between he is and he will
Blind??? You're funny. You gave me examples like Kaziyski, Khtey ;) OK it's great. Give me examples that someone like Rezende says something like that about players who aren't from top? Like someone from Cameron. I gave you examples about Kurek (Rezende, Zorzi- interview with fivb reporter). The biggest ironny is that Poles hate themselves. If Kaziyski(polish second name :D) will be from Poland of course Poles will say the same as about Kurek. HCLT you're the best here I realised that during Zagumy's discuussion. Bravo
@NightFox I just said Kaziyski isn't far better than Kurek(not Kurek is better). Also Kaziyski had the best phisical shape 3 years ago. Do you think Matey will reach 370 in age 30? HCLT even your the best in this business Rezende said Kurek was top class player and if there willl be possibility he wants him in Brazil NT. Provide link??? Probably you know better than your coach.
@RenanZ yes he does but above block ;) @Harleym It's from 2009 now Kurek does it twice a year not so usualy. And Matey isn't far better than Kurek who has better phisical abilities(375cm to spike from NT). Of course I used to play proffesional v-ball, in case if you will ask about that. But I confirm the way of spiking like that during match is bad idea.
Maxim Mikhaylov (4th movie) il y a 12 ans 0
Maxim Michaiłow spike:360cm block:347cm weight:107 kg. Official data. The best spiker if you mean performance in NT
FIVB Heroes: Bartosz Kurek il y a 12 ans 0
@Aelinn I ve been in volleyball for 10 years SKRA use data from ZAKSA where Kurek had been playing before and I know far better players personal data belive me ;). Height for man is changeing even to 22-23 year old specialy for the man who has up than 2m. I don't belive data from SKRA because they haven't changed it for 3 years or 4 years. I belive new data from NT. It was the same with Nowakowski in website of Czestochowa he has only 347cm since he started playing there ;)
FIVB Heroes: Bartosz Kurek il y a 12 ans 0
@raylight You have answer (there is no diffrence between Kurek and Koistra even he has got "push up hair" ? and small btw Kurek and Mozdzonek) and also this movie shows in perfect way that Kurek can jum high ?
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball il y a 12 ans +1
I can say just bla bla bla. So unrespectfull for Trento was that Roma didn't finish this action (because it was so easy and unrespectfull). Guys you have to many problems like tipical Italians or Poles :) It will be something if Juantorena put down his clothes and did the same :) It could be unrespectfull for Roma
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball il y a 12 ans +3
Also this kind of action is good in beach volley with wind :) During reception you just cry :D
Osmany Juantorena sky-ball il y a 12 ans +3
It was outstanding :). During practise we usually do something like that and it's sometimes effective. We call it "pogrzebowy" i don't see nothing bad at this situation moreover Roma didn't finish this action and point was for Trento. Someone said that it was dangerous, hahaha even junior can do it with 80% effective.
FIVB Heroes: Bartosz Kurek il y a 12 ans 0
Aelinn 375cm is from NT new data. In PLS he has 87kg, 352cm and 326 or something but it was 6 years ago in 2006.
Michał Łasko (2nd movie) il y a 12 ans +1
JW claims 365cm spike and 330cm block 98kg weight. It's big diffrence ;)
@to Ty czytaj ze zrozumieniem przeprosiłem zaraz w następnym wpisie bo miało to byc do Nagora. "Nie moge z Ciebie"- to jest po Polsku???
przepraszam to miało być do Nagor ;)
@ saku Wlazły miał ponad 370cm w zasięgu przed kontuzjami w latach 2005-07 potem zmierzono mu w reprezentacji przed olimpiadą oficjalnie 366 przy 194cm wzrostu. A Bell za najlepszych czasów miał 358cm w zasięgu teraz łapie na pewno niżej ale taka kolej rzeczy organizm wiecznie na topie nie będzie
@saku actualy data about Kurek is 207cm 107kg 370 cm/340cm ;) the rest of players I don't remember so well I'm to lazy so i haven't check it before.
@ someone; Cuba hasn't got in NT players with such reach like 370cm (mayby one of them) like it was few years ago ;)

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