
Stephane Antiga (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans 0
gościu ,,volley fan'' czy w tej twojej opowieści są smoki ?

Originally posted by Cis from Burkina Faso
Mariusz Wlazły il y a 14 ans 0
oky thank you for information? good luck?

Originally posted by mike from Estonia
No naprawde ma jump Na podstawie tych parametrów lepiej nie wyciągać wniosków

Originally posted by 123 from American Samoa
Stephane Antiga (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans 0
The f'in Aussie nailed it by keeping it simple and to the point. "Ugliest hitting actions but great player". This is true, the guy is not a silky smooth attacker but the reality is he is there for reception, defense and stability and that is what he does best. Come on people, we all know volleyball enough to understand that this is a positional game and that top level reception players like Antiga are more difficult to find then guys that can crush 20 pts in a match. The fine art of a natural reception like this guy has is not easy to find and that is why he is one of the most heavily sought after reception players in the world like Giba, Dante, Priddy etc.... There is a reason why he is playing on this great team for i think 3 years and not in Russia, Italy or other places where he has easily been recruited. This is one of the best or simply the best volleyball team to play for professionally and Antiga knows this or he wouldnt be there for this long. Enjoy life, be happy and keep in mind that at the end of the day, this is still a game so have fun doing it because when we are all old and fat, the glory days are over!

Originally posted by volley fan from Australia
Jeden z najlepszych przyjmujących na świecie?Nie dojść że ma jump to jeszcze rozum ?)Zajebiście wyszkolony technicznie?)

Originally posted by G@pson from Poland
Ignaczak najlepszy libero w
Polsce !!!!!! ?

Originally posted by blinki3 from Poland
Mariusz Wlazły il y a 14 ans 0
He will be back on the court soon but only for the league. In the national team we can expect him as soon as in the world championships 2010 cause I think Castellani won't overtire him in world league.

Originally posted by MK from Poland
Mariusz Wlazły il y a 14 ans 0
how long time, wlazly dont play? can we see him again in national team or television? hmmm, bad luck is unjury?

Originally posted by mike from Estonia
Dla takich chwil warto żyć!!

Originally posted by ed@ from Taiwan
Zbigniew Bartman il y a 14 ans 0
Dobry jest i niezłe ciastko;*

Originally posted by ed@ from Taiwan
Klasa sama w sobie qq:

Originally posted by ed@ from Taiwan
Bartosz Kurek il y a 14 ans -1
Kurek powinien być w 6 wtedy będziemy spokojni o skutczeczność na skrzydłach.

Originally posted by Mat from Poland
Nic na czysto.. ;p Oczywiście kompletny zawodnik.

Originally posted by Gastaroni from Burma
Poland - Portugal (SET1) - 1 il y a 14 ans -1
portugal !

Originally posted by miguel from Portugal
Bartosz Kurek il y a 14 ans -1
wygryźć to może nie ale na pewno wspomoże nasza kadrę . .

Originally posted by złoto MŚ 2010 from Poland
Robert Horstink spike il y a 14 ans 0
Sisley Treviso

Originally posted by MK from Poland
Robert Horstink spike il y a 14 ans 0
which team has him?

Originally posted by petrolakos from Greece
Stephane Antiga (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans 0
livinlibero from usa you ar wrong.If you were 6'7'' you don't know if you would be better than anyone...Antiga is one of the best players in his position.So don't say you would be better

Originally posted by petrolakos from Greece
Stephane Antiga (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans 0
one of the ugliest hitting actions, but great player!

Originally posted by . from Australia
Stephane Antiga (2nd movie) il y a 14 ans 0
Gacek do you play volleyball? I am a professional vb player and from the national team, I'm not saying something wrong, am I? Shut up and try to learn something with this video, like I do!

Originally posted by MG from Portugal

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