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You have a good opposite - Wlazly,what could be so wrong with him that they couldn't fix him for the World League AND the ECH ?Seriously,though,'cause sometimes you answer "headaches" or "head injury" ?
Yeah,that's what amazes me,that there were so many mistakes and we still won this set...
Absolutely,kristoff,huge difference!I don't know why,Zhekov was starting to use them more lately,they were getting more and more confident and today...and not just their attack,but the block,too.8 blocks in 4 sets(half made by Kaziyski and Nikolov) - we haven't had such bad statistic on block in a long time.
I gave up on reading those comments some time ago...after a win - 150 comment TOPS,and after a loss,I've barely sat on the computer and what do you know -over 800...that's just malicious.I sure hope none of the guys read that,I'd go insane.
But how many passes did he get in the second set(which was pivotal,in my opinion) ?
Very bad decisions overall,I'm not jumping on him like a lot of Bulgarians do and will,but he was not good tonight,not as good as he should have been for such an important match.
So..the more logical thing happened...Zhekov has to take responsibility this time,though.What's the point of having Kaziyski on your team,if you're gonna pass the ball to him 4 times for a WHOLE set!I know he was looking for surprises,but the MBs today were just lacking power.I'm still waiting for the statistics,but I think the block was really off tonight.Nevertheless,I'm very proud of everyone and I'm thankful for everything they did for us!
Oh,congratulations to the Russian users here!I'm rooting for your team now,if we're going home,at least we were eliminated by the champions ?
Yeah,raylight,AFTER World League 2012! LOL
Right before the end of your match,someone from the organizers went to our staff and said that we're getting the later spot,since the host is losing.
Thank you,Spike,I remember people writing comments about this and I had missed it :D
Poland - Bulgaria il y a 12 ans +2
По време на Световната лига,Теди Салпаров беше гост коментатор на "Мач на седмицата" между Русия и Германия май,и просто...какво да кажа,беше перфектен,чак и превеждаше указанията на Алекно от тех.прекъсвания.Като се пенсионира от волейбола БНТ да тичат с един дългогодишен договр и това е!Дотогава "Андрей,т.е. Матей ,простете - блок на Алексиев"...мъка,мъка...
Poland - Bulgaria il y a 12 ans +2
Еми,как,Ели...след време спира да ти прави впечатление хахаха
Poland - Bulgaria il y a 12 ans +2
Jesus,just say where to sign already,SkyloIoannes,THERE'S NO TIME!!!!!! Хора,ако сте си мислели,че днес ще минем без сашовите бисери,дълбоко сте се залъгвали..."Цецо Соколов влиза на мястото на Владо Иванов"...Кой направи това 205 см.-ово момче либеро? хаха
I didn't want to say anything before the game,but I was really nervous for that match.I have no memories of us playing against Estonia and knew they had nothing to lose,so they'd play at a 100% and that's always dangerous.I didn't like how we played and I hope that the guys were still getting used to the arena or were nervous 'cause everybody expected a win,but that wasn't beautiful volleyball...Anyway,it's a win,so I'm putting on my happy face ?
During the national anthem of Estonia I noticed that the guy's jerseys were really worn out and that reminded me of a few years ago,when we would be playing against someone and I'd see their shiny new t-shirts and I couldn't read "asics" on ours...So hats off to Estonia's team for their heart and devotion to their country.That's what sport is all about to me,you win when you can,you beat whoever you can,isn't that why there are so many championships every year(I count clubs,too)? ? Nothing else should be involved,like politics or money - sport is not a beauty pageant ? (Though,who would win if it was? LOL )
Hanes,I hope you liked your team's performance ?
Kate,you have never offended me ?
Harleym,you're bringing up some very valid points.
Offtopic : Cher during the time out,that ?
First,I'm sorry that this is the impression we've made on you(and I know a lot of other people here,too) and I don't mean to get all sentimental on you,but we really love our team.We know we're not Brazil,but the bronze medals we've won over the last 4-5 years have meant a lot to the Bulgarian fans.We're not a rich country - we've never been a host to a big competition,our federation struggles with the fee for the World League every year and as a whole we have very limited financial and human resources.If you ask me,what our guys have done(pretty much all on their own)during this period is like a miracle.So,that's the reason most of us are very easily offended when it comes to them,and people referring to them as "your volleyball gods"(sarcastically) in this forum lately is really hurtful. "We'll see what your team we'll do today,tomorrow,etc."- those are just unnecessarily cruel comments,so naturally some of us get defensive.I don't need them to be first to be proud of them.I would watch the championship even if our team didn't participate,but they do and I can't see what they've done wrong to deserve this kind of attitude from some of you.
Also,it's easy to get mad when you've been screwed so many times,so I'm sorry but I think we/you/everybody are/is obligated to say what's on their mind whenever there's something wrong with the system.Frankly,I'm surprised why so few people are frustrated with that...
I'm not one to make excuses,when we lose I don't blame the ball ? I just want things to be fair for everybody and if we're 15th,then we're 15th - you won't hear me complain about anything,but bad game play ?
Just read a statement from Nikolov and he says that there's nothing wrong with the Russian federation sponsoring the championship and concurs they don't have to buy their titles,since Russia won the World league two months ago ? I don't know,it might have been a fan overreaction,I just haven't seen such banners at other championships ?
_k-is-for-kate_ ,read my comment again,I'm not furious ? It has nothing to do with Russia or your team.It's all about not giving teams the choice to play fair or not,but to be forced to play with everything they've got in every match,not go to the second round without winning a single set.I don't think Bulgaria is the only team that's not cheating,but instead of people going "Hey,we should do something about that" ,they go for the simple "solution" - "Well,they did it first,f*ck that,now we'll do it".This doesn't solve anything,it's putting a giant stain on our favorite sport and we as fans should not turn on each other,but unite against those money-hungry as*'holes.
And to be correct,the banners say "The Official sponsor of the European championship 2011".As raylight said below,Russia doesn't need money to win matches ?
FIVB...CEV...they're all screwed up ?
_k-is-for-kate_,I'm not saying that,but you can't deny it's pretty weird.You're the official sponsor of the championship?!I'm not accusing you of anything,I doubt you gave that idea to your federation( ? ),but it's unfair.You're not hosts,so what's going on?Again,this shouldn't be allowed - FIVB rules are overflowing with sh*t these days.
As much as I love this sport and trust me,I do,it's being ruined little by little with every championship,world or continental,doesn't matter...How is it that every other sport has come up with a fair system,but the FIVB guys STILL can't figure out one?!?!Stop taking donations from the federations,stop clearing the way to the semi-finals for the host,put hawk-eye in action...freaking do something and let sport be sport!!!

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