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Sada Cruzeiro Volei - Trentino Volley (Final, SET3)

Alberto Varela Frontier 2012-10-21 • 1975 megtekintés • 11
Trentino Volley kept intact their own dynasty and that of Italian teams at the Club Word Championship by winning the competition for a fourth consecutive time following an impressive victory over Sada Cruzeiro of Brazil at the Aspire Zone Hall of Doha on Friday night. MVP of that match was Matey Kaziyski with 17 points. Only clubs from that country have occupied the top of the podium in the history of the event. Radostin Stoytchev on the press conference said: “I am very happy for winning this championship, my team was sensational on the field, I believe they played a fantastic game tonight. It is a great feeling to win this competition for a fourth consecutive time". Other sets of that match in the related movies.

#SadaCruzeiroVolei #ItasTrentino #ClubWorldChampionship201213

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11 hozzászólásai

chsiryiHN 14 1
11 évvel ezelőtt
ohh so your comment was osmany juantorenas statement of the game?? my mistake haha :p
qwertyuiop12345PL 81 4
11 évvel ezelőtt
,,the whole team is MVP. No single player stood out morre than other, there are 4 players for the title - Birarelli, Kazyiski, Juantorena and Stokr. How can you give MVP in such situation?" HAHAHAHAHA. If Kaziyski was MVP that you said something totally different. But it will never happen again.
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
11 évvel ezelőtt
ehmm... i'm not osmany, and i'm not a very fan of him
chsiryiHN 14 1
11 évvel ezelőtt
kjeldhor are you really osmany juantorena or a fan based account??
chsiryiHN 14 1
11 évvel ezelőtt
how come i cant see the videos?
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
11 évvel ezelőtt
ray.. u forgot someone... Raphael did an excellent work.. and.. can u count how many dig Colaci did?
raylightBG 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
Juantorena is right - the whole team is MVP. No single player stood out morre than other, there are 4 players for the title - Birarelli, Kazyiski, Juantorena and Stokr. How can you give MVP in such situation?
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
11 évvel ezelőtt
"Sono felicissimo per questo successo incredibile, che ancora una volta siamo stati capaci di raccogliere. E' stato ancora un successo del gruppo, in cui i singoli sanno esaltarsi; è tutta la squadra a permettere ad ognuno di dare il massimo. Quello che stiamo facendo in questi ultimi anni rimarrà indelebile nella storia della pallavolo moderna, perchè sembra facile ma in realtà credo che sarà impossibile ripetere la serie di vittorie che abbiamo ottenuto a tutti i livelli. E' stata una partita molto difficile, strana ,ma d'altronde le finali sono sempre così. Rispetto al Cruzeiro abbiamo messo in campo più cuore, più adrenalina e più voglia di vincere. Il premio di mvp? E' la terza edizione di fila che lo vinco, ma se devo essere sincero stavolta sono rimasto piuttosto sorpreso perchè Kaziyski o Stokr lo meritavano di più. Per la verità in una squadra così è effettivamente difficile scegliere un solo giocatore. Siamo tutti mvp.'' -Osmany Juantorena- "I am very happy for this incredible success, that once again we were able to collect. What we are doing in recent years will remain indelible in the history of modern volleyball because it seems easy, but in reality i think it will be impossible to repeat the series of victories that we got at all levels. It was a very difficult game, strange, but then the final match is alwaysstrange. Compared to Cruzeiro we fielded more heart, more adrenaline and more desire to win. mvp? it 's the third edition in a row that I win, but to be honest this time I was surprised because Kaziyski or Stokr deserved more. to tell the truth in this team it's difficult to choose just one player. everyone is mvp.'' -Osmany Juantorena

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