
Teodor Todorov (2nd movie)

raylight 2013-02-25 • 4540 megtekintés • 24
The highest reaching Bulgarian (unofficially he reaches 387cm in attack). Main player of Gazprom Surgut and Bulgarian NT. In his first season in Russian Superliga (2011/12) he was the best blocker. In some interview he said: "winning a trophies isn't a most important thing for me. I don't want to be a champion, if I didn't serve to victory (without playing on the court). I want to deserve to win the trophy."


A dal címe: James Brown - Superbad
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Teodor Todorov

Teodor Todorov Bulgária

Születési dátum: 1989-09-01
Poszt: Center
Magasság: 208cm
Testsúly: 94kg
Ütés magasság: 365cm
Blokk magasság: 345cm
Aktuális klub: Deya Volley (Bulgaria)

24 hozzászólásai

raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
When you can't refute someone's arguments, just put a minus on his opinion. That would really do the job
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
See it for yourself. Muserskiy has 68%, the others are closer - 55 to 63% in comparable spike attempts range
I don't see why is "only" 60% in Russian superleague, Joel. Do you know what is the average height of the players on the net there? Having in mind the poor training in spiking Todorov had before he comes there, I am positively surprised by his efficiency actually.

Here are all MB's in 2011-2012 whole season with playoffs and playouts. Todorov scored the most points. Efficiency 54%
For now in 2012/2013 he has same blocking, but higher spiking efficiency and only couple of players are visibly ahead for the same amount of spikes. We have to mention Achtev, who chased him for quite a lot of time in blocking and now he is ahead after Yugra's drop in performance in the last 5 games.
SomeonePL 875 10
11 évvel ezelőtt
@Joel2718 In Russia setters play more often with middle-blockers even when a ball is on the third meter after reception.
Joel2718CA 426 7
11 évvel ezelőtt
raylight, he is a middle blocker and only has 60% efficiency in attack?
bitkaPL 673 10
11 évvel ezelőtt
just from curiosity - did he touch net in 3:10?
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
About the fast attack - remember Andrea Giani? His secret was that he could stay longer in the air and hit when the MB's are falling
MasterOPuppetsMK 109 6
11 évvel ezelőtt
that's 8 years of training, I agree he is good, but don't try to justify the fact that he didn't learn how to attack properly and unless he works with a coach that pushes him a lot, he might never learn to
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
Weak attacker with 60% in Russian Superleague? Spiking over Muserskiy in the field? Not being Simon or Nowakowsky doesn't make you "weak". Weaker is not weak
bitkaPL 673 10
11 évvel ezelőtt
stifler93 seriously he started training when he was 20?! or have i misunderstood you :P
stifler93BG 26 2
11 évvel ezelőtt
Let's not forget that he plays volleyball from 20 years old and now he is 23 so he lacks expirience. But yes his reach is incredibly high and he will continue to amaze me.
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
3 positive votes and 4 negative. No comment
hanes233EE 987 5
11 évvel ezelőtt
The music dosn't fit at all, but the player is great, espetially in block, he is way faster than you would expect, but in spike he can improve alot. His reach is also sick;)
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
Master - may be, but he has very solid stats in attack this season -
Don't forget that he can be used to spike from 2nd line as middle, and height gives him more options to choose from. He is not the typical cowboy, though

Wilfredo, I don't know the exat reach, but he is 208cm with very long hands and he jumps good
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
11 évvel ezelőtt
Unofficial reach is highest then the old Marshall! Simply amazing!
MasterOPuppetsMK 109 6
11 évvel ezelőtt
great blocker, horrible attacker...he is always late on the first tempo
rafaello94PL 126 11
11 évvel ezelőtt
block reach really impressive but i don't think that he reaches higher than Nowakowski during the attack
eRKaPL 861 11
11 évvel ezelőtt
wow, great movie.
John17FR 151 7
11 évvel ezelőtt
I'm a great fan of James Brown but i think this music is not appropriate to a Volley Ball video..
SomeonePL 875 10
11 évvel ezelőtt
@raylight Oh... in block. I agree. But I don't belive in 387cm in attack- who changed it?
lizaIL 56 1
11 évvel ezelőtt
great middle
raylightBGAuthor 3006 15
11 évvel ezelőtt
Someone, I wrote it because of the block, not the spike. In spike we have those you said + Muserskiy as competition
SomeonePL 875 10
11 évvel ezelőtt
@raylight Highest reaching player in male vollayball? I don't think so. Liberman Agamez spikes higher I think. He's reach height is also comparable to Nowakowski or Grozer. I would say: one of the highest reaching players...

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