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5 évvel ezelőtt


Cuba - Serbia 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
Hierrezuelo agreed to apologize to the federation and to the coach, that’s why he was accepted back into the team.
Volleyball mistakes (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
Champion, maybe in the proper topic. :-)
Federico Pereyra 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Henrique, did I write only about his attack?

Here is what you wrote: “Quiroga now is good only in defence, this year was weak for him, he scored mainly only on single block”. You also said Weber relies only on Conte, Pereyra and De Cecco because Quiroga isn’t so efficient in attack. Sorry, this is not true.

I wrote also he is very needed in defence and recieve, didn't I?

Sakuraba, you remarked his defense skills are important, but also said they don’t make him essential, as he’s not “soul of this team”. Again, not true.

Quiroga has a specific role on Weber’s scheme and he’s essential for that team success.

@Henrique You've also said that Poland is quite week.

Someone, you know very well I was mocking you guys. When I wrote for real, I admitted Poland’s strengths (ask your friends here, I'm sure they remember). Anyway, Poland in 2010 was lame, you may remember Daniel Castellani factor, a so-called coach who almost destroyed the Polaco team and now is gonna ruin the beautiful work Mauro Berruto had done with the Finns. Once Anastasi became the coach, I remember very well writing about what he could do for Poland. But do you really think Poland is that strong? They’re quite good now, I must say. ;-)

BTW, Argentina is already in the top 10, Someone. I don’t think they can grab a medal in London 2012, although I’d be very happy if this happens, once I’m a huge Weber fan.
Federico Pereyra 12 évvel ezelőtt +5
Sakuraba, my good friend, take Quiroga out of the Argentinean team and you’ll see what happens. Remember, volleyball is not made of only attack. Besides, Quiroga is a very effective hitter. Did you watch every match of the Argentinean team this year? Did you pay attention to every Quiroga’s action in attack? I don’t think so. I can’t help but laugh every time I see someone saying such things as “he scores mainly on single block” or “he was never blocked” about players in general, like I saw several times on many webforums. Those players really do that? Really? lol Without a player like Quiroga, Argentina would lack consistency. That’s why he’s so important for Weber’s scheme. NightFox, last year I told on this webforum people should pay attention to Argentina’s NT. Some of the specialists here said I was crazy, as the Argentineans weren’t even in the top 10. Those analysts also said Cuba was better than Russia, since Cuba was runner-up in the worlds and Russia finished fifth. You make such mistakes when you watch a match, but all you can see is the result, not the game. It’s easy to see where Argentina’s NT can go. If weren’t for their middles, Argentina could think of fighting for the gold in London 2012. Unfortunately 2012 is so close, but next cycle… Watch out for them.
Federico Pereyra 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I can feel some suffering... lol
Volleyball mistakes (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
1:34. I just love it. Hahahaha...
It was a diagonal hit and that Slovakian player jersey #8 barely jumped. Nothing special at all.
Federico Pereyra 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
NightFox, I get your point, but you could have included the whole play, so the fans could see how he made the approach, for example. Roninho, he’s a good player still improving his game. Look at Bartman… What would you have said about him a year ago? He’s quite valuable for the Polish team now. One of the main Javier Weber goals is to make Federico Pereyra a very strong opposite, a reliable hitter like Marcos Milinkovic was. BTW, Argentina’s game is not based on Conte and De Cecco. You’re forgetting Quiroga, an essential part of their success. Without him, Argentina wouldn’t be the same and couldn’t be more ambitious for the upcoming years.
Maxim Mikhaylov (4th movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
FIVB stats are more reliable.

No way! Most coaches give FIVB wrong info on purpose, and this is not a secret. FIVB data is not accurate when it comes to players profile, even their height is wrong sometimes.
Federico Pereyra 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
NightFox, what’s the point of making a movie that shows a player just hitting the ball? Why don’t you show the whole action, so the viewers have the chance to check his skills? As a volleyball fan I get disappointed every time I watch a video like this because it says nothing to me. Anyway, once you care so much, I’ll give you five – you made an effort to prepare this and the new logo is cool. I wish I could send you Pereyra’s first match at Superliga, last Sunday. He scored 27 points in the victory of his team, Montes Claros, against Campinas, in a five-set match that lasted almost three hours. As for the Argentinean NT, they’ll be fighting for the gold in the major tournaments next Olympic cycle. Their main problem right now is the lack of experience of their middle players – Sole and Crer need to develop as blockers. Pereyra himself has improved a lot as hitter. On a team where the stars are the two left sides and the setter, Federico Hernan Pereyra is becoming more and more reliable.
Osmany Juantorena (3rd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
“In reality no club can afford something like a dream team. It's hard to reach the same level of understanding on the court as in NT. That’s why great NTs are always better than great clubs”.

Couldn't agree more. ;-)

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