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William Peixoto Arjona 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I totally agree with JRios. Wallace is one of the best young opposites of Brazil in the moment. He participated of Brazil NT last season on the WL. I believe Bernardinho has great plans for him in the future
William Peixoto Arjona 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Yes, we do have many talented players in our league. Willian Arjona is an example of that. He played in Argentina for many years and he was so successiful there that it was even considered for him to become an argentinean citizen to have a chance on the NT. I'm glad he's back home
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Very good initiative, Roninho, thanks!!!
Very Nice, as always... I'll look for a job for Roninho in a brazilian television channel... So, all the main polish players are there, there are some foreign players but not too much, and I guess young players have the chance to start their careers as well. I would like to know, if someone could tell, anything about this new young players, who are the future of your NT. It would be good to have some information about it. Brazilian league is similar to yours, but we have less foreign players here.
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Ah, Henrique, how can I forget anything that concerns that match??? Or anything concerning some amazing and special volleyball matches that I had the oportunity to watch in my life?? Impossible, volleyball is my passion !! Abraços
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Sorry, K bomba... I have to tell you: I just hate the word " old" . We say we have experience
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Joel, that 5th set was the most incredible I've ever seen in my life.
Bulgaria - Cuba (Highlights) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Very good video, Nightfox!!! Congratulations!!! I didn't have the oportunity to watch this match, so now I know what I have lost I would include on the list of JRios, two matches that are unforgetable to me: Netherlands 3X2 Italy OG 96 and Brazil 3 X 2 Serbia WL 03
Loved to see the action 2:34; Great Zagummny!!! Loved to see Swiderski too, I hope he comes back soon...
Tsvetan Sokolov 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Great movie!!! Nice images of this young and "classic" oposite. I love this song, good choice in my opinion
What a great rally!!! Is there a better way to end up this year of great volleyball??? Thanks, Roninho, for all the amazing videos and keep up the good work on 2011!!!
Tsvetan Sokolov nice serve 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I can't believe on that... Bad luck of this guy... Thanks for the information
Volleyball Hits (5th movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +3
Great, great video!!! Thank you!!! I give you 5 only because I can't give you 10!!!
Tsvetan Sokolov nice serve 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Oh, God!! What an amazing serve!!! This is definitely "poor dutch guy" - part 2
Tsvetan Sokolov headshot 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Pô, Henrique, eu acho que deve doer... Eu já vi cada bolada que os caras tomam jogando volei na praia. Olha, todo mundo em volta fica bem ligado( inclusive eu ) pra não tomar bolada
Koles, i don't wanna see Bernardo anywhere but here in Brazil!!! Sorry!!! But the work that brazilian federation do with our junior teams is great!! Really important to the future of the national team And, the junior guys have the opportunity to actually play on brazilian league. That makes all the difference
Yes, i Know, i'm a selfish person!!! Ha,ha,ha.. Just kidding!!! But one of the reasons for Murilo to come back was that we wanted to spend more time with his wife, Jaqueline, who plays volleyball too. They both decided to come back to Brazil. But can you imagine Murilo on Trento?? It would be great too!!! And i wish i could watch some of bulgarian league as well
Interesting comment, Nightfox, but, it's REALLY good to have Murilo playing on Brazilian League!!!
Perfect match!!! Perfect moment!!! Unforgetable that team: Ricardinho, André Nascimento (Canha), Gustavo, Giba, André Heller, Dante, Sergio... I remember that sunday morning like if it was today
Tsvetan Sokolov headshot 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Very nice!! I think Sokolov has a great future on bulgarian national team. Poor dutch guy...

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