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São Paulo
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7 évvel ezelőtt


Murilo Endres (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Thanks Kate and Fareek.. Too bad that I can't download it due Copyright reasons !!!
Nice video.....And that set at 0:16 was more than awesome !!!!
Hehaehaeh Got up inspired at that day !!!!
Marcos Milinkovic 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Heheh pretty nice. Best of Argentina that I ever saw !
Murilo Endres (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Guys, does someone have the Youtube"s Link for this video? I was trying to find it to download, but couldn't find...
Isso ai Henrique, mete bronca nos caboclos aqui.. ehehehahahahahahha
now you know the truth, how we treat foreign players in our country xD

One big reason to visit you guys !!!!
Beautilful, but only Polish Points ???? Kind tendentious..... 0:26 - Felt envy !!!!!
Murilo Endres (3rd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Owww. Thanks Roninho. Best movie about him than I ever saw. This guy is trully awesome. So focused and devoted to the team. Who would knew when he got to the national team in 2003, just as a boy, that he would take the place that GIBA, Nalbert and Giovanni (and several others) had at the past. PS: 0:37. Awesome attack. I Believe that only Kurek and Marshall are able to do something like that !!!!
Great Player.. miss to see him playing !!!
Andrey Zhekov block 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Great..... To me is very pleasure to see these small players flying to take the giant ones
Cuba in 2009-2010 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
So much potential....
Clayton Stanley vs Russia (7 aces) 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
HEhaeheha Believe me JRios, they the (players) call that machine as just 'Stanley', and they HATE to train with it. What I think that is the most impressive about Stanley's serve isn't the power or speed, but almost all the times he can perform it doing a curve, like a directional rotation, and that deceives the receiving players
Clayton Stanley vs Russia (7 aces) 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
Our national team uses an automatic serving machine. It was nicknamed as "Stanley"
"Volleyball Movies" in your language 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
Brazil: Videos de Vôlei

Cariocques : Voleba no tube mermão.
Paulistes: Volei na fita mano.
'Grande Odysseia' - part 4 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Heheh Real nice to see those players as normal people, when they are out of the courts !!!
Awesome video. My congrats to it's creator.
Fantastic shots. 2:06 - Huge Attack !!!
Bartosz Kurek warm-up huge spike 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Maxim Mikhaylov (2nd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Such young player playing at that level....Impressive !!

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