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4 évvel ezelőtt


Earvin N'Gapeth 13 évvel ezelőtt +3
He's younger than me :) He's a great tallent . I hope he will still increasing his skills and phisical abilities
Hector Soto 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I like his plays very much. He's veeeery dynamic. Unfortunately there aren't any actions from matach Puerto Rico- Poland. He was in good form there.
Champions League - 1/6 play-off's 13 évvel ezelőtt 0

Yes I agree with you guys the level was very low.I don't know why Wegiel played badly but for Maaseik I can answer.

Why they played bad? They usually play bad this season, but in the CL they're winning ?
I think they can do it! But also it'll be very hard. I just hope they would fight till the end.
Michael Sánchez 2nd meter spike 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
Dobra, a tak na poważnie: Great phisical posibilities. You're right: it's realy hard to jump with only one step, and without preparation.
Michael Sánchez 2nd meter spike 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
"Źle stanął i go tłuką. Otłukli całego. Mógł chłop jeździć- koniec!!!" :)
Josh Barrina from 2008 til now 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
How old are You? Can I give You some advices? Just keep going :) You have very good 'timing' (in attack), but not so good phisical conditions like reach height (obviously it's not your fault- just train hard and You can improve everything).
Leonell Marshall attack 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
Just imagine him and Juantorena!!! :)
Leonell Marshall attack 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
It was incredible! That things are normal in lower level, but attacks are usually not so good, only surprising- that is the reason why they aren't digging. At this time it was regular attack!!! This is one of the most amazing plays I've ever seen!
Vicente Ferrandez nice serve 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
He aimed on the line. It was possible to dig it, because it wasn't so strong, but it was very hard to predict it would be out or in. Very nice attempt :)
Nikola Grbić standing block 13 évvel ezelőtt +6
From the official rules of volleyball ( fivb.com ):

Blocking is the action of players close to the net to intercept the ball coming from the opponents by reaching higher than the top of the net, regardless of the height of the ball contact.
Nikola Grbić standing block 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
It was an error and nobody don't change that it was a block attempt. He had his hands over the net, because he was at least 10cm over the court and he's 195cm tall. It makes that he has at least 255cm reach. He had his arms above his head, but not straight. It makes that his reach decreased about 20cm. 255+10-20=245cm (AT LEAST) so he definately had his fingers above the net. It's an incredible player, but he made an error.
Nikola Grbić standing block 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I saw it only one time, when Sergio made it without error. That is dafinately an error, because player who is over then 190cm tall has over than 243cm standing reach (I have 181cm and 241cm reach).
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Challenge Round 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I didn't expect this result. I am very suprised. We were fighting till the end. I am proud of that!!!
I am proud of Polish teams! Maybe they don't played their best, but they were fight with the real team spirit and finally they WON!!!
Congratulations for Skra (and Zaksa in CEV cup).
Ok, you're right ? Something's wrong- it's mental weekness as you said. I thought that you mean, that nothing explain their loses.
I think that it's a disparity between losing with 2 points difference and 5 points difference. Losts aren't always mean the same and I think raylight is right- it is not a lack of potential, but unused potential.
I don't think we played bad with Castellani (in general). European Championship wasn't achieve by chance, but I think he lost his ability to be a leader. When we played good everything was ok, but he had no idea what to do, when we played bad (he didn't know what/who to change).
In spite of the problems and procedural disorder, Polish Volleyball Association made a good decision. We need a coach who has an authority and respect in volleyball environment. Why? Our volleyball association is very poor in their predictions, reports, and organisation of National Team (by the way of Plusliga and junior teams too). He have to cope with 'pseudoexperts' from Polish Volleyball Association and with unruly players.
Personally I think that is a good choice. I am going to write more abot it, but I'll wait for the other opinions.

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