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Serie A - 1st Semifinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
one step closer for Cuneo.

Kk15 so when we will find out what Macerata is going to do? Are they gonna play in Cuneo now?
It will be very childish from Stoychev to cross his own word,

what do you mean? he choose Bratoev, but did he said "you gonna stay in Trento logner than one season"? I'm asking, because maybe you know more.

His whole history shows his nerves, this is one of the reasons why Stoychev picked him at the first place.

You're wrong, at the first place Stoychev asked for Kurek, yes our Kurek. But Kurek has valid contract in Skra, so Trento had to find someone else, no one basically left last season, so they finally choose Bratoev.

You wrote few examples of matches when he played well, but I remember more important match of ECh 2009, when in semi-final our boys found out he is a mine of points when they will serve on him. And I'm not saying this just because we won there and that was Poland. You mentioned Netherlands, who won't be on another ECh this year, because they lost against Estonia. If you want to say something about his nerves, tell me how he played with real strong team in important match, not almost friendly match against Cuneo or match against Friedrischafen, when results changed nothing at all. Because I think he is similar to Kurke in this case, lost his mind against serious opponent like Kurek in golden set against Zenit, then he back to PlusLiga and end matches with ace.
raylight come on...
In two games, he showed serve, nerve and block. Against Cuneo he finished the fourth set with an ace - and he does this often when he plays

still not enough for Stoychev to send Colaci or Leonardi out from match squad instead of Bratoev. This is how much this player worth for Trento now.
The fact he didn't play proves a lot - for example after training session Stoychev decided that Colaci is more useful during match than him. If he didn't showed enough during training sessions, he wasn't in squad for match.

Why do you think Verhanneman signed contract in January? Why Trento wanted to signed contract with him so fast, why they thought about taking another receiver for next season in the middle of this season? Because Bratoev didn't make it, because he is not ready and good enough to play in Trento, sorry, to being in match squad. Trento wanted to make sure no one else will take Verhanneman after season and they have nice subs together with Della Lunga for next season. And I wouldn't be surprise if Colaci will go on loan this time.
Showed something? When? In one match against Cuneo? He spent whole season sitting next to the scout-man, because Stoychev prefered to play with two liberos or four MB's. Does not make sense to buy now Verhanneman [btw I love Belgian names ?] and release him already, Bratoev will leave or will go on loan.
what about coach of Latina?
Alekno and Berrutto will leave clubs, because they want to focus on NT's. Stoychev stay in Trento, Bagnoli stay in Modena, Giuliani in Cuneo too.
Serie A - 5th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +2
raylight, this is the answer, enjoy:

"Bruno learned from his father how to please the media and the opponents. Juantorena has the merit of being an all-around player, while Kaziyski needs to improve his passing and blocking. It doesn’t mean Juantorena is a better player, once the Bulgarian is more effective hitting and serving. Bruno is Brazilian, and we tend to give more value to highly skilled players. Juantorena is different from most Cubans, as they rely basically on their strength and vertical, lacking in technique. However, is quite an exaggeration to put Juantorena at the same level of Murilo. We know, Bruno did that because he wanted to be nice and he knew about the award Juantorena had been given at the Champions League. For example, if Bruno’s team were about to play against Skra in some other tournament, he’d say good stuff about Winiarski, another all-around player, though in a lower level than those previously mentioned. Same thing if they played against Zenit, this time Bruno would make some high compliments on Priddy.

Myself, I prefer Kaziyski to Juantorena. If I ever had to choose just one of them to play on my team, the Bulgarian would be my choice. Never mind what Bruno said, what he really wants is to get the “scudetto”. BTW, Bruno is playing much better this season, I’m surprised.

As for you, Zyta, don’t be afraid to get banned. I left the forum because I wanted. The silly administrator banned me just for a few days, but once I didn’t agree with his decision I decided to leave. I was also a bit tired of the same old videos (third meter spikes, one-hand sets, pipes, Plusliga highlights, dumb remarks)."
Vermiglio in Zenit? Hard to imagine ?
Serie A - 5th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Bruno is a gentleman in interviews, just like his father ?

raylight I asked him, but he didn't answer yet, I'm gonna tell you, it can take a while.

PS. I hope I won't be ban if I'm gonna deliver message from him?
Serie A - 5th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Cooperation between Bruno and MB's - amazing! Conngrats to Modena.
Peter Veres cross attack 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Grankin played it before with Berezkho against Bulgaria during World Championships, perhaps he likes it.
Serie A - 4th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I'm not sure, but I think Volkov signed contract for two years, Nikolov won't stay in Cuneo, he said already that he can't play whole season on level, which club like Cuneo expect. Grbic has contract till next year for sure and I think with option to stay for another season if he will have strengths, Henno signed new contract, same with Parodi, I bet Wout will stay there till the end of his career, I don't know what about Mastro.
Serie A - 5th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Well with their both characters is not so hard to argue...

If Cuneo want to fight for final, Wout must play with painkillers, no chance to play without him and Parodi.
Serie A - 4th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
I don't think Cuneo will take Verhees, Volkov is staying and they have a lot of foreign players already.
Matey Kaziyski headshot 13 évvel ezelőtt +4
Berezkho again?! Poor guy!
yes and he was taken off from court many times and finally he changed position - that's how good setter he is ?
Serie A - 4th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt +1

The fact is that these two teams have some difficult to keep their level high, not only during the same match, but also from a week to another...

We had proof today. Monza played much worse than before and Modena much better.
3:0 for Modena [25:15, 25:21, 25:22], Exiga gave them all his defense from last match ? what can I say? Amazing Kooistra.
So, we're going back to Monza for fifth match.
Serie A - 4th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
I watch since second set 8:8 and I can't stand Monza's errors. Maybe they need to feel that matchball for Modena is close, like in last match when was 2:1 for Modena in sets. For now Kooistra do with Monza what he wants.
17 blocks, am I right? my favourite 2:15-2:17!
Serie A - 4th Quarterfinals 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
NightFox please, if Bruno is brilliant, what we can say about lots of better setters than him? That they are geniuses? Also Bruno need time with new team and they have no time, Monza was fourth before semi-finals and they are in good shape now. If Gavotto, Travica and Exiga will play like that, they will face Trento in semi-final.

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