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Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
proud is right, the thing with uniform happened in the game with serbians.

but anyway, this is nonsense, and if our volleyball federation president really says things like that, it's not just another shame, it's simply pathetic...
Dmitriy Muserskiy nice set 12 évvel ezelőtt -1
i also like the commentator's reaction xD
Dmitriy Muserskiy nice set 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
i already mentioned it in some discussion, but Muserskiy actually played in all the positions (except libero - reasons are clear) before establishing as a Middle. that also allowed Belogorie to use Dima as a spiker in several games)
Dmitriy Muserskiy nice set 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
my favourite moment from all EC)) that one was very classy
Ivan Miljkovic is simply the best 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
the Leader.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
there's nobody in fact to replace him, and besides, the federation is loyal to him, so i'm 100% sure he'll not be
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
no way they take send off, with olympic games in two years it would be insane
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
raylight, you speak good russian, right?

победителей не судят. поляки молодцы, командам России и Болгарии есть чему позавидовать и чему у них поучиться.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +5
now go italy....
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
poland deserved what they got, my sincere congratulations.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
i don't know Alekno's reasons

but for sure, Grankin was replaced because of his permanent problem which appears in important matches especially - he started to forget himself in a game, that's why Butko went instead of him. But in the 4th set Butko definitely lacked experience and "playing practice" during the tournament. it's only my thoughts but i think that's why we lost 4th set and Grankin was back.

no, Alekno has no complaint on Butko,he showed maximum he could considering his condition
everything went wrong starting with Musersky forgot his jersey in a hotel.
as Alekno says himself "victory is a team's desert, lose is a coach's fault". that was it.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
...about that thing with Apalikov instead of Musersky in the 1st set

Dima forgot his jersey in the hotel room and couldn't play till team managers brought it.
But i don't think Apalikov was bad. Also, in the interview Alekno explained that he is extremely unsatisfied with Grankin's game and has no questions to Butko, Sasha did all he could.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
Revan, to get Wild Card the team should EARN wild card. Poland earned it, and what we did? screwed our huge chances. to be true #2 the team should prove it, and we don't.
again, now we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
i'm not one of those people who blame judges for the loss, I think and insist that no one is guilty for that loss but us.

but speaking about referee's mistakes.. that one at the last you're discussing about was vexatious, but not decisive, by that time the game had been already lost by us.

the key mistake by judges was in the end of the 4th set (at 21:22 if i'm not mistaken) when Taras scored a point, but the ball was announced controversial and was to replay.
at that moment serbians were given 2nd chance to realize and our spirit was crashed. if you noticed, after that team russia no longer showed emotions, like Alekno once said in 2008 "you have such expression on your f*cking faces like you're ready to go to the changing room" ("у вас на е*альниках написано, что вы уже готовы идти в раздевалку"). the same was that time, we didn't cope with emotions so we lost to ourselves once again.

i wish victory to team italy.

poland have good chances to take 3rd place as well, because mental situation is exactly the same as it was in 2009.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
I don't know what it was. It's a complete SHAME.
Congrats to Serbia,not they were better than us,but WE were worse then them.
I'm totally dissapointed and not gonna watch tomorrow's game.
Serbia - European Champion 2011!!! 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
let's just hope for best but be ready for everything... 'cause anything is possible
EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
thanks everybody who supported us yesterday, or just gave congradulations

i feel really sorry for Kaziyski - he's a fighter, he deserves more.
EuroVolley 2011 - Play-off's 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
congradulations to bulgaria and france))
i hope finland and poland will continue to play as well
EuroVolley 2011 - Preliminary round 12 évvel ezelőtt +3
oh my god, you really wanna go for arguement? all right then.

of course, i can't actually prove you our federation don't bribe anyone, i'm not the head of federation, nor one of the judges.but following your own reasoning:

1) neither can you prove there WAS bribing, because nobody saw anyone giving bribes, all was there was only sponsoring, or giving money strictly for organization needs

2) if you saw semi-final game Yaroslavich-Zenit of Russian Superleague'11 you would know what "a bought victory" means.

3) you said the World League first place was bought as well...no comments,just wondering if you saw team russia playing that world league.

4) again, following your thoughts, i can accuse any team for bribing as well, because there's no proof they weren't.
Particulary Brazil. There's NO WAY such players as Giba or Endres brothers or coach Rezende had anything to to with winning all those years out! they're secret is defenitely secret bribing. now prove me it's not, can you?

p.s. i don't know why you need to start this. i have suggestions about your type of person, but i prefer not to word it, in order not to be impolite.

i apologize for other users' inconvenience of seeing this rubbish in the topic, but you see, i couldn't ignore such hilarious attempt of attacking my team's honour. i promise not to keep on arguing with this ridiculously stubborn person.

cheers everybody, good EC for you)

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