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Furthermore, nowdays if German people don't get rid of with no force the Turks and other Muslims from Germany, situation will be similar to also emigrated Jews to Poland from II war and it can end with tragedy. I don't want to say anything, but the situation does not look good. If Revan is half arabian so that explains all. Jews are fighting now with Arabians for territory near Izrael. US helping Izrael because half of US are Jews nowdays, that's why Revan having arabic blood insulting everything what is common with Jews.
Because this cuban Revan doesn't know basic information about the world this links should help him. I love science, history, and knowledge of the world, volleyball, tennis and handball. This guy is without any passion. He has no idea about world. He sitting too much time on Internet and sometimes he could check this kind of informations to educate himself but no.
And the most ignorant thing he said about Holokaust. He really doesn't know what is that. Maybe he is Jew? Poles are not guilty death of these Jews who emigrated to Poland. 3 milions Jews in Poland were killed and till today many Canadian or American Jews coming to Poland show some respect to this murdered Jews, even presidents of these countries. But this ignorant don't know at all what it is, because the cubans are just from jungle.
If you had any idea of world you would know comunism produces Russia, the same was in Europe in several countries i mentioned and nowdays in your Cuba Russia produced this communism that's why you are unhappy in your life. It's not Europeans problem who are totally free since 1989. Now it's your time to release from the bondage of russian communism. Can you? No, because you Cubans are not smart, as long as in Cube live people like you Cuba will be for a long time in captivity.
Revan, but you using this forum to talking about only Cubans and then develops discussion your nowdays political situation. But what this users here should do for you? What these people here can do for you to change better your life and your players? You should write letter to your government, not us! No one of us behave like you. Where is another Cuban here instead of you? You are not here by accident just you taking out your frustration from your life when all Europeans nowdays live at good level. You being a wild Cuban have no idea about the history of Europe. Comunist Europe was in Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and east side of Germany, mainly. Every people escaping to US, Brazil (colonies) but do you know when it was? 1939-1989. Leave all people alone who haven't problems like you and who are only here for talking about own leagues. You Cuban, are not authorized to judge people who enjoy their volleyball material. And you shouldn't insult league and people where your refugees Cubans couldn't fit into clubs like Cala or Danger. So when Juantorena and now Robertlandy leave Italy you will start insult all Italians because they left their league? What is your aim being there? And you still didn't answer to my question. Why we should be envy of your Cubans?
Samueleke i have full of respect to France or Belgium teams i didn't mean they are weak so you didn't understand me. I just wrote Italy and Poland have easy group because thinking about group D. Instead of Czech Republic, but there are also class players like Stokr all national teams in these group D play in World League and they are experienced by plays constantly in such world events which can be crucial in playing in the European Championships. I'm really frightened by this group D.
Revan, you radicule yourself by your incompetence in talking in english language. Are there in Cuba any schools? I don't understand many your statements because you're writing incorrectly.

Can you explain why we should be envy of your Cuban players refugees? Sometimes I feel you talking about them so stubbornly and constantly because you're afraid many people forgotten about them if you weren't here.
Revan Moya Suri, Danger came to Kielce without any informations about this weak from the end of tabel club. It's not my problem dear, probably no one italian, better polish club or turkish wanted him in this time and he didn't deserve on better club. Cubans from poverty like him looking for clubs to earn easy big money. He was totally unknown player before he came to Kielce so he must promoted himself to find any even Iran club.
It's totally misunderstanding you think, Poles have something against Cubans. Just understand dear, if you weren't on this forum Cuban no one of us would talk about the Cuban people and players. Due to your cuban country situation fame of your ex big national team with these players about you talking about is past and it's sad challenge to you to accept that. Maybe you some day say Poles are guilty of the tragic situation in your country? You behaved like that. It's radiculous. We are talking about this strange turkish guest who blamed italian, polish and all european clubs which haven't money as his Turkey but you find a moment to talk again about your Cubans. Why? Although if you behave politely here other people here might feel sorry for you.
Revan, we are envy because you are poor country, we are happy of your country problems, our jelaous of your players? What the fuck we have to talk about your cuban situation and what we can do for you? What are you talking about? Your Cubans in Poland couldn't fit into clubs. Cala without good reception, strange personality, after leaving Bełchatów he was in turkish weak club and there he was fighting with Vital Heynen, he beat up him, turkish menagment expel him for fighing with coach, looking at his behavior he couldn't fit not only into Bełchatów, he couldn't accept coach and Danger the best player of almost the last in the table club of Plusliga - Kielce in city where all money goes to the development of handball men club there will never be the conditions for the volleyball development because the halls were empty in the city as opposed to other volley cities in our country. Danger is too old and bad physical conditions to develop his skills and play in better club than Kielce so he went to Iran.
Turks sucks in men league! According to this news, they wanted Wijsmans, Veres, Visotto but these players rejected! It seems their offers were not attractive unlike to this article says and they chose another league so why greatest strength of Trentino would agree and left Italy after all these years for Turkey?
Italy and Poland very easy groups. ?
Can i ask about something? Who knows what is foreigner limit in turkish men league? http://www.worldofvolley.com/News/Latest_news/Fromtheworld/Italy/14234/halkbank-ankara-offer-itas-diatec-trentino.html They gone crazy. ? They wanted 4 foreign players from Trentino + don't forget foreigner Priddy in Halkbank. It's too much!
Bad choice, Visotto, Falasca, Spirindonov all stars left Ufa. What is happening with Piacenza it's sad. ? What will happen with De Cecco?
zver master of irony. ? haha oh Żygadło, Żygadło...Yesterday Bruno showed him how to set. With his game all these latino young talented setters will replace Żygadło in Zenit so quickly.
Wow, Vincic ! Can i know where did he play when he left Skra in the middle part of season ?
Pablo Bengolea 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
Bengolea spectacular player for AZS Olsztyn ! I was watching his game against USA. WOW ! I hope he will develop his skills and in next seasons we will have him in top club in Plusliga. ;-)
Yes i'm watching now! ? De Cecco is in worse condition than Uriarte, maybe Uriarte will set in whole tournament ? ? Uriarte setting with brain, Cecco is too crazy sometimes and it causes sometimes mistakes. ?
Samuel Tuia left-hand spike 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Welcome back in Poland! :D Welcome to Bełchatów bees! :)
Play World League 2013 Game! 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Group A:
USA - Argentina 3:2
France - Bulgaria 1:3
Poland - Brazil 3:2

Group B:

Russia - Iran 3:0
Cuba - Serbia 0:3
Italy - Germany 3:0

Group C:

South Korea - Finland 3:2
Netherlands - Japan 3:0
Canada - Portugal 3:1
South Korea - Finland 3:0
Netherlands - Japan 3:1
After Możdżonek's smile i'm moved.

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