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Can anyone help me? Where can I find the whole match?
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 évvel ezelőtt +3
Seriously, this is f*cking AMAZING! I'm all hyped up for practice tonight! Great job!
Cuba change their sport Policy 10 évvel ezelőtt +1
For f"ck sake! It;s about time!@!
Dude! This vid is SICK! (L)
Rachel, that would be awesome! Are you going to the final? Cuz you're from brazil you probably will :p
Felipe is such a big part of the success of Cruzeiro! just look at the atmosphere in that team, it's phenomenal! The final will be ''espectáculo''! I think Cruzeiro has a big chance to bring it home Is there a livestream for this match?
Wilfredo is Marshall comments. 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
haha ZvEr, you might suffer from some kind of dyslexia. But I hope you get the idea ? It was just an example.
Besides, the admins can decide what is crap and what not. i hope the quality of movies get better soon <3
Wilfredo is Marshall comments. 11 évvel ezelőtt +4
How about this idea.

Since we have this waiting room for movies, the admins can see which movie is trending and which not.
For example, casa modena harlem shake has allready 4 thumbs up. And Travica-Pajenk vs Zaytsev-Podrascanin has none.
So the harlem shake gets to home screen and the Travica-Pajenk vs Zaytsev-Podrascanin goes to a subcategory.

We still got the option to see whatever is available, but for outsiders and the volleyball community it's more easy to find the real deal. the good stuff, the quality pieces.
It would be a waist to decline everything. Some pieces are really decent!
First i was happy, then this dude starts to talk during the clip and I couldn't understand a word that was said.
1. Russia!!
2. Polska
3. Brazil
Lube was quite humiliated the first two sets
I'm dying to see this match!
Volleyball player attacks referee 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Ban the stupid stud for life. You might of heard, two weeks ago, a dutch line judge in football has been kicked to death by three kids each around the age of 15. just ban this guy and make sure this won't happen in volleyball..
Who's the player in red?
He just does his thing, enjoys it and walks away like it's the most normal thing in life.
Without doubt, trento is dominating! What an absolute genius play by both teams, but trento is just from another planet..
Skra vs Zenit is like Poland vs Russia :D

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