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4 évvel ezelőtt


How tall are you??? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
@Berny: quote you 100%. I don't have facebook profile anymore 'cause it was silly and pointless!
Jo Van Decrean (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
@proud: girl, we're not old...we're wise :D
I'm too angry to comment now, I'll do it tonight ?
How tall are you??? 12 évvel ezelőtt +2
@Wilfredo: this is volleyball-movies not facebook! don't change things too much on this site please! (international site) and (Italian sites)
How tall are you??? 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Good Luck Berny, and as we say in Italy "in bocca al lupo" ?
Jo Van Decrean (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I agree: hiphop music doesn't work with volleyball! Hard Rock...that's the perfect choice. Btw, 4 stars for me too :)
Iran - Poland 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I didn't watch the whole match, just some highlights but my impression is that it actually wasn't Iran who won the game but Poland who lost it. Maybe Polish underestimated their opponents too much after winning 25-8 (don't remember which set it was) ...and they made a very bad mistake!!
I utterly agree so I quote you proud :)
But, in the end, who cares if he touched the net with his arm or the ball? He scored the point! I remember that a very famous football coach (Serbian I think...his name was Boskov or something, he used to train Sampdoria club in Italian Serie A in the 90s) once said: "penalty is when referee gives!!!" (and I wrote it literally as he said that in his picturesque Italian :D). I think this quote perfectly fits the situation...if none (referees, judges etc) said nothing, the point is valid :)
Do I have a problem with my computer/ears, or this movie has no audio??
How tall are you??? 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Berny, I'm older than you! So don't worry ?
Grazie Kjeld :) I owe you a favour :)
@Kk15: info you posted here below is interesting but written in Italian...mmmm, don't know if our "international" friends will understand/appreciate ? ...kidding guys ?

@Berny: as I told you this morning I would support Slovakia and I'm happy to know you've won over Turkey!! Congrats...and see you in chat on Sunday for ITA-CUB !! :-D
Heheheh...Murilo ;)
Iran - Argentina 12 évvel ezelőtt +4
Yeah...sounds like that famous tv commercial: "Impossible is Nothing" :D
Hi there, the day has almost ended and I can give you my opinion about the matches or better about THE MATCH...ITA-USA. What a game!! Luckly for me I had this morning off so I could watch the match. How can I say about it? It was spectacular!!! My guys played very very well and they were also able to keep their concentration and make no silly mistakes in the most critical moments. Lasko was a beast, he was awarded MIP (absolutely deserved); Savani did a great job as well especially in 1st and 2nd sets; Zaytsev had some problems instead: few light and many shadows for him today, he was replaced by Parodi in the 2nd set (don't remember exactly) and the whole team took advantage and benefit from that; and last but not least ? Gosh, 36 years of age and plays like he was 20!! What a loss for us when he decides to withdraw!! As regards USA: as some of you already said, their main problem is actually the setter!
And finally, let me send my special greetings to Berny who shared his comments and opinions about the match with me in the chat this morning (see you there again and soon I hope, mate ? )
I apologize for writing so much ?
I ask this to all of you but especially to Italians: I've read that 3rd set in today's match vs China was played by Boninfante-Sabbi (for Italy of course). What about the young opposite? Did he play well??
Football action (Poland - Serbia) 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
Okay I'll tell you my opinion: such actions where the ball is saved with feet are nice to be seen sometimes, but I preferred when players can't do that and if they touched the ball with their feet it was foul. You probably won't agree but, you know, I'm a kind of "romantic" :D
@ivolley: uahahahah, mate...I gave you 5 stars last time so I can't give you no less than 5 this time too :D Btw, I confirm what I've written elsewhere: my favourite this time is Parodi :)

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