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Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 évvel ezelőtt -3
He had the same stats as the libero, it was fun ?
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
Yes, he covered the libero in reception ?
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 évvel ezelőtt -5
Yes, he needs some rest to be in shape
I hope he will be OK, JRios, I respect him, he is a great player with great spirit
Yuriy Gladyr (2nd movie) 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
I like the video, swietny zawodnik :)
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
Todorov again with 7 blocks - the only one who can block consistently players with the spike height of Leon. Metodi Ananiev with very good game. This time Zhekov did great job! Very good overall efficiency and more kills from Cuba, previous matches they always had more than us!
From Cuba Henry Bell and Hernandes seems to be the best, also their libero is very strong on reception.
Netherlands - Brazil (SET4, 5) 13 évvel ezelőtt -1
Young Giba jumps, a :)
Who will make the new best movie on this site? I challenge you, Przemek16, Nagor, Nightfox! You can beat that! :p
Wow, yeaaah! Go, Copra! ?
Penchev is probably the new Konstantinov, he doesn't jump like Matey ?
Situation in Cuba volleyball and NT 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
It is today probably AT 19:00 pm Bulgarian time
Netherlands - Bulgaria (SET1) 13 évvel ezelőtt 0
Yes, we are like black cats to you, every team have such blind spot :) I added Netherlands - Brazil from WL99, with future stars Giba, Lima and so on
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 évvel ezelőtt -3
JRios, I love mountains :) And you have so may different climates there from sub-equatorial to Penguins :))
You will know it then
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
Serbia too played with first team to loose in the first pool. Serbians made so many mistakes against Poland that nobody believed them
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
Bulgarian team don't have second team. We have Aliens and Alien inbreedings with humans. We let the latter play. Greetings, son of Adam ;)
Volleyball parody: Brazil - Bulgaria 13 évvel ezelőtt -4
No, no, this is the ghost of Henrique, his shadow. The real Henrique is much smarter than that!
Parodi is in Maccerata, I think
Bulgaria - France 13 évvel ezelőtt +1
Me and Simon :))
I think that Polish league is developing quite well, actually

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