
I'm 26 years old volleyball fan from Poland, right now I live in London. In my free time I always try to find some time for my hobby, to make some new movies. Hope that you enjoy my work, more info about me you can find on my facebook page, cheers.

Szurkoló adatai

University of Rzeszow (Physical Education)
Ranglista pontok száma
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7 hónappal ezelőtt

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Thank You ?
and how long You download one match ?
Leandro Vissotto (3rd movie) 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
W ataku teraz Bartosz Jarosz,lecz blokujący mają szybkie ręki a nasz łukasz żygadło spędził ostanie 4 lata w Sisley Treviso Ach ten komentarz :D
Faith works miracles Best comeback to the match I ever seen :) Best match Poland in my life, I'll never forget
FIVB Heroes: Clayton Stanley 11 évvel ezelőtt +1
after each point scored by Stanley I have smile on my face like now :)
1st 113 km/h 2nd 114 km/h 3rd 123 km/h 4th 114 km/h 5th 124 km/h :O amazing player
The best pipes in volleyball 11 évvel ezelőtt +2
thanks a lot for kind words, I made this movie for 5 months :)
Volleyball humor 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
rgfootball.net 11 évvel ezelőtt 0
Thanks a lot ?
I hope that Usa win with France today and ensure the promotion to the final six ?
P.S Yesterday Italy played against France first team ?
155 Volleyball Digs in 4 min 12 évvel ezelőtt 0
If someone has any idea for song to the new movie about digs please send me a private message :) Thanks in advance
Sergio Dutra Santos (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
Old style movies are the best :)
Wanio czasem gada o dupie maryny a nie komentuje :D i Suxho to nie David tylko Donald :D Mi osobiście bardzo przypada do gustu komentarz Damiana Dacewicza
Arkadiusz Gołaś (2nd movie) 12 évvel ezelőtt +1
I'm sad always when I hear something about him, now He would be one of the best middle-blocker That was the worst news of volleyball in my life :(
probably Osmany doesn't know himself ?
We welcome ZB9 in Rzeszów
That will be a big pleasure to see him in this club,I hope that he will be first opposite ?

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