
Berlin - Unterchahing and Berlin - Izmir (Highlights)

luck191 2013-12-17 • 3238 visualizzazioni
Mark Lebedew's team won against Generali Unterchahing in the semi-final of the German Cup in three sets (25:21, 26:24, 25:18). Berlin Volleys played an excellent game. Best players of game: Robert Kromm (13 points) and Sebastian Schwarz (13 points). Berlin will face against VfB Friedrichshafen in the final match which is scheduled for 2nd March 2014 on Gerry Weber Stadion in Halle. So, two German representatives in CEV Champions League will face each other in a battle for prestigious trophy. Movie focuses on battle between Berlin Volleys and Arkas Spor Izmir. German champions won that game 3:0. Berlin Volleys with 12 points is on 2nd place in group D. "Having so many games to play within this short period of time makes it difficult to always give off 100 percent. Even more important is the actual attitude and the will the team brings into the match and there’s nothing to hold against the team as regards these factors. The players are motivated while being focused on the goals we have set", said coach of Berlin Volleys, Mark Lebedew.

#MarkLebedew #ArkasSporIzmir #BerlinRecyclingVolleys #TSVUnterhaching #ChampionsLeague201314 #GermanCup201314

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