
Bre Banca Cuneo - TV Bühl (last point)

Volleybox 2013-12-13 • 4470 visualizzazioni • 5
You must see it! German club: TV Bühl showed how to fight till the end. That was match between Bre Banca Cuneo and TV Bühl (CEV Cup 2013/14). The second matches of the 1/8 finals brought us some very interesting matches. Certainly the most exciting was in Italy where TV Bühl eliminated Cuneo after golden set (15:12). The Italians were defeated by a tenacious TV Bühl team, first at the tie-break and then at the consequent Golden Set. MVP of match was Hans Prolingheuer who scored 21 points. The victory of TV Bühl is a huge sensation. Roberto Piazza, head coach of Cuneo was very upset after that night: "We are still looking for a leader in attack. We work hard, but we are not a real team yet". Ruben Wolochin on the other hand was of course extremely happy: "Boys were playing patiently and scoring point even with a block on the other side. Cuneo is not in the best shape, we had a good day and that is where this surprise came from". TV Bühl is black horse of the German Bundesliga in that season. They won the eight matches in current season and they is on the third place in regular season.

#PiemonteVolley #VolleyballBisonsBuhl #CEVCup201314

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5 commenti

Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
10 anni fa
Great rally that's shows you should not give up until the very end!
Pascual_Lima_KiralyES 9 2
10 anni fa
Amazing. 100% pure volleyball.
vosalitoCZ 5 1
10 anni fa
oioiPL 370 5
10 anni fa
Such defenses are spirit of volleyball, I love it. And who got caught on the single block? Rouzier...
SomeonePL 875 10
10 anni fa
Luv such actions :D

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