
Castellana Grotte - Vibo Valentia (last points)

ivolley 2012-11-12 • 1236 visualizzazioni • 1
Last points from the yesterday's match of Serie A between Castellana Grotte and Vibo Valentia. Giulio Sabbi and Alexandre Ferreira was the best scorers in Grotte. There is great climate for volleyball in Castellana Grotte. See nice spike by Viktor Yosifov on 2:05. Match was held in Castellana Grotte. Castellana Grotte won 3:0 and now is on the only in 11th place of Serie A 2012/13. Match was watched live at "Pala Grotte" hall by 1300 fans.

#TonnoCallipoCalabriaViboValentia #BCCCastellanaGrotte #ItalianSerieA1201213

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1 commento

pearlIT 1003 11
11 anni fa
Grazie ivolley ;) I admit this was one of the shocking surprise of the day along with Modena's and Cuneo's final scores. I honestly didn't expect Castellana's victory: I thought Vibo would easily win 3-0!! We cannot say that things are boring in serie a this year.

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