EuroVolley 2011 - Quarter-finals

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NightFox 1457 14
12 anni fa
Congrats for Russia - they deserved it . Unbelievable middle blockers ...
Sllaveq 790 10
12 anni fa
Yeah, Russians show why they are favorites.. congratulations!
Good match...
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Russia played smarter than us since the first set and won. Our team has a lot of potential, all young boys who need to grow in games to have more success. I don't like the way we lost, it was too easy because of our mistakes and lacking defense. Great job by Alekno. He saw the the traditional Russian game will bring them loss and he changed the tactics. Great game by the whole Russian team. Our team didn't resist unfortunately
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Now I am looking the stats. One Kaziyski is not enough. Sokolov, Bratoev and Ananiev need to play, play, play! Mikhaylov is main players since 18-19? Sokolov MUST PLAY MORE in order to show his best in matches like this
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Congratulations to the Russian team, they played well and won.
Our team fought bravely and when we took the first set I was sooo happy. I think later in the other sets we lost concentration and our serve and defense were not sufficient enough... And those MBs of Russia.....
But I have faith in our team and I know they are all great players who can show their real potential in time!
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Bulgaria had much better reception than Russia and much weaker attack. Some of our player can't play against well organized block and we don't defend like Russia

P.S. Zhekov this time didn't play at the top of his abilities, although we wasn't that bad
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
So..the more logical thing happened...Zhekov has to take responsibility this time,though.What's the point of having Kaziyski on your team,if you're gonna pass the ball to him 4 times for a WHOLE set!I know he was looking for surprises,but the MBs today were just lacking power.I'm still waiting for the statistics,but I think the block was really off tonight.Nevertheless,I'm very proud of everyone and I'm thankful for everything they did for us!
Oh,congratulations to the Russian users here!I'm rooting for your team now,if we're going home,at least we were eliminated by the champions ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Look at the stats, proud. How much more attacks has Matey to take before injury? Every time against very high block because of lacking MB attack? He had the most passes today
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Yes, proud, you are right! We should be proud of what our boys did tonight in spite of the loss! I dread to read the comments in forums about our performance, because I know people are going to write horrible things against OUR OWN team. ?
Sllaveq 790 10
12 anni fa
Just look in I'm scared to dead!!!!!!!!!! What a fuc*ing stupid comments!
I just pray no one of the team will ever see that reactions!
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Those people who write such nonsense about our team will NEVER be brave enough to go and say it to their faces. And the team deserves much more than respect for all the hard work they've done.
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
But how many passes did he get in the second set(which was pivotal,in my opinion) ?
Very bad decisions overall,I'm not jumping on him like a lot of Bulgarians do and will,but he was not good tonight,not as good as he should have been for such an important match.
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
I gave up on reading those comments some time ago...after a win - 150 comment TOPS,and after a loss,I've barely sat on the computer and what do you know -over 800...that's just malicious.I sure hope none of the guys read that,I'd go insane.
kristoff 161 3
12 anni fa
look at the statistics! how many points scored volkov and musersky and how many todorov and josifov... enormous difference... congratulation russia and congratulations bulgaria for fair play and fight!
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
Absolutely,kristoff,huge difference!I don't know why,Zhekov was starting to use them more lately,they were getting more and more confident and today...and not just their attack,but the block,too.8 blocks in 4 sets(half made by Kaziyski and Nikolov) - we haven't had such bad statistic on block in a long time.
qsek 831 10
12 anni fa
Vlado Nikolov is 34 but he still is very powerfull and dynamic!
shame for Sokolov that he's playing in one team with Stokr... he should go to another to making more experience
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Sokolov is better than Stokr, I claim that. If he plays more often we will see if I am right
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
@qwertyuiop12345, I didn't pay too much attention, I had few friends at home to watch Italy-Finland and after the match we were chatting, I just had the tv mute open on the match Serbia-France (Raisport didn't trasmitt Russia-Bulgaria)... But it ended like 30-28 or smth like these! there were few serve errors, but also nice actions, and it was quite intense to see...
Now it's 2-1 for Serbia, btw
qsek 831 10
12 anni fa
Serbia - France 3:1
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Yes, but if Sokolov doesn't play how could he become better? He played on highest level in World League, but he was a starter there
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
And now in the match Sokolov was in too much pressure to show what he's capable of. I'm sure if he becomes more confident, he wouldn't care against whom he will play. But I think tonight he cared...
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
O, and by the way, I don't know if you guys have noticed (at least those who watched BUL-RUS) but the referees were just ABYSMAL! You just can't give the point to the other team when there was a clear block out on the fingers under the referees' nose!!! I refer to the first set where many other stupid referees' mistakes were made.
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
Yeah,that's what amazes me,that there were so many mistakes and we still won this set...
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Russia made only 4 errors per set after the first one, playing on high risk with no errors, that's the way they beat us, like Slovakia, and of course for Russia was easier with player like Muserskiy who can wait in the middle and jump to the left or right end of the net with one movement
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
I read that Italy-Poland will be at 15.00, while Russia-Bulgaria at 18.00
Is it right? (btw, they changed AGAIN =.= At this point I won't be surprised if they will exchange the finals too xD)
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
oioi 370 5
12 anni fa
Jarosz of course, he is about two classes under mentioned players.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
I wouldn't put Lasko in the same list with Milijkovic and Mikhaylov too, no offense to Italian or Polish users here
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
You have a good opposite - Wlazly,what could be so wrong with him that they couldn't fix him for the World League AND the ECH ?Seriously,though,'cause sometimes you answer "headaches" or "head injury" ?
NXT 241 3
12 anni fa
Well Wlazły claims that he's injuried but noone ever seen it happen ? All we have is his word...
oioi 370 5
12 anni fa
People who tell that Wlazly has a 'head injury' are usually anti-fans of Skra Belchatow. He was the most exploited player both in NT and club, he is frail and has a problem with his knee. Mariusz beats all the other clubs in league and usually recovers in the national season that's why he 'refuses' to play in NT and some 'fans' are yapping.
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
Thanks for the answers,guys ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Let me tell you some other considerations about the game with Germany besides the honour, that most probably took part in this decision:

1) First of all, this match was necessary for the team to stay in rhythm in order to pass the playoffs
2) Second, with that victory the playoff was much easier than if we were in third place and we saved some strength /and we went to quarter final which was not granted against Czech Republic/
3) Our team is very young and needs more experience, more victories to grow.
4) Last but not least, this way we qualified for the next ECH by finishing 6th and taking Poland as host out of the account - 5 teams are qualified automatically
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
How do you calculate that you finished 6th?
And really, Poland will host both the WCh in 2014 and the ECh of 2013?? O.o

BTW, how about matches for the place from 5th to 8th?! There's nothing on the schedule...
12 anni fa
Poland will host ECH in 2013 together with Denmark ?
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
There are no matches for 5-8 place,Kk15 ?
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Why can't I overcome that bitter feeling I have since we lost yesterday?... But as raylight already pointed out Kaziyski and Sokolov are not enough against so many strong Russian players.

12 anni fa
thanks everybody who supported us yesterday, or just gave congradulations

i feel really sorry for Kaziyski - he's a fighter, he deserves more.
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
thanks proud, I suspect that, but I don't agree... Think that in NORCECA with 8 teams they have matches to decided even who is 7th and who is 8th!!

@kate, I didn't watch the match (but I will!), btw I read that Russia was terrificant (in a good way, of course!! ?), so I'll add my compliments ?

Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
@stalowiec: I absolutly didn't know that! thanks for explaining! BTW, Danmark... Uhm, I know that it's a good thing to spread volleyball all around Europe, but... I hope Danmark will build a team strong enough not to be ridicoulous... Austria out of the ECh with not even a set was enough -.-' Not to speak about the empty halls in Austria... yesterday at the quarter at 16.00 there was almost nobody=.=
And for that I have to say that I blame Italians a bit, because Innsbruk, expecially on Saturday and Sunday, it's like 1 hour far from Italy, and like 2 hours from Trento. And I expected Trentini to go there and support the NT, they don't even need to rent a room for the night, because with a match at 18.00 you can perfectly be at home before midnight... bah. I almost want to check the flight for Vienna for tomorrow morning xD
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Sokolov couldn't enter in the rhythm of the match unlike the game vs Poland, if he did the game would be harder for Russia to win. My main concern is why we let Russia to score so many points after weak reception - where was our block? For me it is a shame to have significantly better reception than the opponent and to lose, even if it's Russia And why Todorov didn't spike in the second meter like Volkov, he has more height in attack.
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Well, you see, raylight, I suspect we didn't do all that because we couldn't get over the pressure of playing against Russia. After the first set the boys seemed to think they just weren't able to win. Not that they don't have skills, they just made it far too easy for Russia. I just knew it that Sokolov would be brilliant vs Poland, but vs Russia he wasn't that confident. Todorov too, I'm afraid has a lot to learn, but he is a great MB, no doubt.
redman 10
12 anni fa
Kaziyski&Nikolov vs Musersky,Volkov,Mikhlaylov,Biryukov,Khtey... no way
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Kaziyski, Bratoev, Todorov, Sokolov could handle it potentially (or be a treat at least). I fear that Valio will not have many time on court and Sokolov too, but they can play the 12 games in the Intercontinental Round next year
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
What could Zhekov do when the MB spike so simply into the hands of the libero?
12 anni fa
Hi boys for me the final will be Italy - Russia, the Poland opposite Gruszka is scandalous i don't belive that in all Poland there isn't better opposite of Gruszka !!!

Savani - Zaytsev - Lasko vs Kurek - Ruciak - Gruska / Jaros no chance!!!!
zver 995 13
12 anni fa
Don't be so sure of victory, everything will be decided on the pitch

P.S Jarosz* -.- and Kubiak is at the moment our 2nd spiker, not Ruciak ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
danteamaral, I agree with zver, don't be arrogant undervaluing our opponents, because our guys aren't.

They know that Poland is a strong team that fight well (even if in WL Poland played bad vs Italy). And both Ruciak and Kubiack had very good moments in the last matches; also bad moments, but Anastasi alternated them in a succesfull way.
And remember that Jarosz played well in the most important match of Poland in WL2011, when they won the bronze beating Argentina (that imo was stronger than Poland).

Never take smth for garanted, at this level everithing it's possible.

That doesn't mean that I don't trust in our guys, of course.
12 anni fa
I don;t know that Argentina is stronger than us...since OG 2004 we won all 16 games against Argentina
12 anni fa
BTW...this smifinal will be very difficult for Poland...For me chances 60-40 Italy
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
No chance Lasko vs Kurek? Have you seen any match,man? I personally think Italy is the weaker semifinalist, but that does not mean we are going to lose.A proverb from my region says " The ball is round " as everything could happen and there is no certainty about who could win...
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
@kapitan_bomba: trust me, this semifinal will be very difficult for Italian too ?

12 anni fa
yeah i know...all semifinals are difficult...for everyone?
12 anni fa
Of course Italy will be favorite, not Poland. We dont have opposite, Gruszka is not in form, Jarosz recently have started play better, but is not enough. We play without Wlazly, Zagumny, Winiarski, Plinski, Swiderski, Bartman, and we are still in semifinals, which is just great. I belive in my team, and I know that they will leave heart in field, like they always do. So good luck for both teams (maybe for Poland a little bit more luck)
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
Well, if you think that more than half of our first squad was seat on the bench or even in the tribun (Giovi didn't even have a number until AugoustxD) during the WCh... And that with that team we classificated 10th at the last ECh... ?

ps thanks for the "good luck", I wish enough good luck to Poland because I want to watch a thrilling match ;(, but not too much luck because obviously I want Italy to claim the final ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
I cheer for Poland, because of some Polish fans who I like and because there is a chance their wild card to pass to us if they go to the final together with Russia
fiore 142 3
12 anni fa
Is there such chance, raylight? That'll be fantastic!
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
You always think things through,raylight ?
saku 1032 9
12 anni fa
I think, if polnd get final, wild card will be given to 3rd team or 4th, or if Bulgarian federation will speak good with FIVB -so maby ?
Kk15 1301 11
12 anni fa
Not to be rude, but I think that the wild card (btw, I read there are 2 wild cards...) have to go to one (or both?) the loosers of the semifinal...
proud 722 9
12 anni fa
Don't worry guys,it's not gonna be us.We were given the wild card last time,and though we used it well,I doubt we'll get it again.
tysia 579 11
12 anni fa
chamion - Kurek Wlazły Zagumny Winiarski aren't in your opinion good then why Poland always wins with Bulgaria in the major events 3:2?

proud 722 9
12 anni fa
tysia,what do you mean by 3:2?
(I'm not trying to start a fight ? )
tysia 579 11
12 anni fa
that Polish players always win with Bulgarians in the important matches 3:2 - words Kaziski
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
There is no statistics, confirming that. The crucial victories for Poland are 2006 WCH and 2009 ECH semifinals. Bulgaria won 2010 WCH crucial match and 2011 ECH. The only reason the second to not be decisive is because Anastazi cheated. Don't forget how you ended on semifinal
tysia 579 11
12 anni fa
yes, but in 2010 we played fair, and we went out in 2 group
Such is the justice?
saku 1032 9
12 anni fa
raylight, he cheated after lost with Bulgaria, with Bulgaria poland played on 100%

so we can say in important matches its a draw ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Saku, draw is normal thing, Poland and Bulgaria are basically from the same level of volleyball so it is expected to be like that
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Hanes233, you are not right. Bratoev can play on high level, he has shown it in NT, he was key player for ECH2009 medal without international experience, this year he made insane game vs Japan, but got unjured after that and he wasn't in shape for the ECH.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Bratoev was the reason we got the bronze in ECH 2009. Without him the match with Netherlands would go in their hands

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