Michael Sanchez's interview for SPORT EXPRESS 06.01.2012

_k-is-for-kate_ 2012-01-07 • 7098 visualizzazioni • 9
Traduzioni: RU
Michael Sanchez's interview for SPORT EXPRESS 06.01.2012 - It’s my very first title of such kind – confessed Sanchez unexpectedly to SPORT-EXPRESS’ correspondent soon after receiving a valuable award from the head of The Volleyball Federation of Russia Stanislav Shevchenko – Our national championship in Cuba is never held in fact. And I’ve never played abroad before this season.

- You’re a half-russian, aren’t you? Or a Ukranian?

- I am a Russian. And I have a Russian passport. But I was born in Ukraine indeed – in Poltavskaya region. My father did military service in the Cuban army and was on military exercises in USSR. That’s when he met my mother, who originated from Leningrad*. Then dad went back to Cuba, and I lived with my mum in Leningrad for 3 years, after that I finally moved to Cuba, to my father.

- Generally, you are Michael Sanchez. Why then in all the minutes you’re formally listed with a double surname as Sanchez-Bozhulyov?

- Because in Cuba it’s like that – everyone have a double surname: a mother’s and a father’s, it’s a rule. Besides, I have even my patronymic**! So in the whole, I am Michael Robertovich Sanchez-Bozhulyov.

- By the way, your name is not usual for a Cuban. Why Michael, not Miguel?

- Because my father named me after a famous American singer Michael Jackson.

- Are your parents still together?

- No, they’ve split up long ago, when I was about 5 years old.

- How did you come in volleyball?

- By chance, I’d say. I started to play when I was 15 – very late for a professional. I tried a great number of sports before volleyball: I went in for basketball, athletics, swimming… I only got my first coach when I’d grown up – it was a former player of women’s national team of Cuba Christina Wood. The sports school was situated very far from town, somewhere in countryside… In order to be in training I had to go there for the whole week long and come home only on weekends. But I liked it. And very soon I was selected for Junior National team of Cuba, and soon after that to the main one. There I played with previous generation of Cuban stars, many of which escaped in 2001.

- Why didn’t you try sports number one in Cuba, baseball?

- Oh, I don’t like it at all! We’ve a very hot weather there in Cuba, and baseball players have to spend almost 4 hours in one match outside, and they hardly move!

- Just the other way round is Novosibirsk, where it’s sometimes -30 °C in winter…

- [laughs] Sure, it was hard to get used to Russian winter’s conditions. But it’s OK now, I got used to it. Besides, volleyball unlike baseball is played inside. And concerning everyday life, it’s even better for me to live in Siberia than in Cuba.

- When did you play for the national team the last time?

- Two years ago. The thing is, according to Cuban laws, the players of the national team can’t leave the country. And even after you stopped playing for the national team you have to wait two years before the federation allows you to sign a contract with a foreign club. That’s why I came to Lokomotiv only now. Can you imagine, I am 25 years old, and I never played in any club before!

- Was it difficult for you to come back to Russia?

- No, it was very easy!

- And what about the language barrier? Although you’ve lived several years after birth in Leningrad, your first language is still Spanish….

- Even when we lived in Cuba Mum used to speak Russian with me. Though, I always answered her in Spanish, and never learnt Russian on purpose. But when I came here with my national team to play with Russian clubs, I used to listen to Russian language and was recollecting it. So little by little I finally recollected it. I even needed no teacher – I’ve mastered Russian on my own.

- So, by coming to Lokomotiv you refused to play for Cuban national team?

- Yes. I refused, waited a two-year disqualification and came here. We all are “punished” like that.

- But theoretically, you could play for the national team of Russia on Olympic Games in London. The next year it’ll be three years since your last performance for the Cuban national team.

- [smiles] Well, it’s too early to dream about such things. Who knows, though… I’ve already got the passport, the only thing I need to do is to change my sports citizenship. So, why not?

(c) Антон СОЛОМИН (Anton Solomin, for SPORT EXPRESS)

*former name of St Petersburg
** in Russia - a second name added to the first one, formed from father's name

translated into English by _k-is-for-kate_


9 commenti

_k-is-for-kate_RUAuthor 404 6
12 anni fa
Michael's video interview after the game against Kuzbass (2:3 Lokomotiv won)
Kemerovo, 04.02.12

RevanExtasisPT 746 11
12 anni fa
the michael sanchez mom work in the havana university, michael is not like the other guys, most part of the sportsman in cuba dont have any respect when they talk, they were raised with only one thing in his mind be a sportsman or in this case a volleyball player, cuba dont give a serious education because in cuba you live for sport 24 h per day so they dont need that kind of education i say michael is diferent because he always talk with manners and with respect he leaves cuba yes but he have that opportunity and the others just run away i dont blame portoundo or poey but everyone has is own history of cuba.

P.S: the foreign person only see the beatifoul part of cuba that is the fake cuba with beatifoul beaches, cuban cigars, beatifoul womans that kind of things, the true cuba is a hell, people lives of his own invention and believe me you maybe get surprise with the things they do for living.
RevanExtasisPT 746 11
12 anni fa
he handan how money you think that they won in cuba??? playing only for the national team hmmm???? let me tell you 10$ every month they have families to moms, fathers, brothers and they have is own freddom to choose what is better for him, look at the many players that dont want play for his national team, and all because they are tired or dont want travel so much etc.... cubans only want new ways and the payment for his efforts , how many gain a player in the Aroma League hmm???? miljkovic and marshall for mention some names have a lot of money so dont tell things that you dont know. Live 17 years in cuba en then tell me one thing that i dont know.
NXTPL 241 3
12 anni fa
Wow I'd like to see him playing in club... Can you link any matches worth downloading? ?
_k-is-for-kate_RUAuthor 404 6
12 anni fa
I felt I should've shared it xD
you're welcome, if there will be more, i'll share more)

i can only say that Sanchez suits our team perfectly, it's such a pleasure to watch him play live =) yesterday he was brilliant in a game vs Ural))
NagorPL 1445 14
12 anni fa
great, big thanks and gieb me moooooore ?
_k-is-for-kate_RUAuthor 404 6
12 anni fa
no, he can't be back to Cuban NT, as far as i understand, there's no way back for him
about russian NT, yeah, but it's just a suggestion. theoretically he can, but in fact the only place for a player who had already played for another NT is occupied by Alexander Butko. Chances that Sanchez replaces Butko are too low
qsekPL 831 10
12 anni fa
so he can back to the Cubans NT or not? and it would be strange if he would play for Russian Nt
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