2012-07-25 • 3075 visualizzazioni • 8 replies
Who is currently the oldest player and what postition do they play?

Who was the oldest play the play proffesional volleyball in the whole history of volleyball?
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 anni fa
i dont know that shit, but for sure you are one of the msot oldest spammer that we have been XD
Sllaveq 790 10
11 anni fa
Master he don't want attention, he wants the points that making new topic is giving to him..I don't know why he needs em.. eating them maybe?
nickelback 14 1
11 anni fa
The more points you have in Volleyball Movies, the better volley player you are!
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 anni fa
hahaha until the day that chrison take off that stupid idea of ranking and likes or dislikes, those thing make a competition in this site and some kids like That guy because im dont wanna mention the names or second names that two of the greatest player of Cuba when i call something that piece of shit
Sllaveq 790 10
11 anni fa
yeah, I'm also wondering why chrison will remove this + and - to the comments and the ranking which is pointless for everybody /exept raylight, but don't tell him I told you ? /
RenanZ 1538 15
11 anni fa
Erh Man, I had that wish to get more and more points when I were the 1st user here (Yes, I were in front of everyone, and Nagor and Raylight were my "Score Enemies" at time).....

But then I GREW UP, and let that pointless behind

Perhaps Wilfredo may see this too one day.
Sllaveq 790 10
11 anni fa
Мм.. There are people giving dislike only because don't like the user upload it? How does this increase the quality of the site?
Look how many "-" I have on my comments.. 80% of them are on comments like "Good job, you did it well"..or this kind of comments, why? Because I like Kaziyski more than Kurek or Giba.. ? Stupid think is this believe me...
Wilfredo_is_MarshallAuthor 4186 20
11 anni fa
Falasca, I think is the oldest setter 39
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Chi è il miglior pallavolista di sempre?Mostra la classifica dei giocatori