Poland - European Championships 2017 Roster

Kacper 17
2017-08-15 • 2856 visualizzazioni • 1 replies

Poland as current Champions of the World, which they have won in Poland, at the current European Championship also play at home. The fans will surely want to take them to gold as in 2014. At the previous European Championships, they fell quite unexpectedly with the Black Horse Slovenia in the quarterfinals.


Setter: Fabian Drzyzga, Grzegorz Łomacz

Spiker: Dawid Konarski, Łukasz Kaczmarek

Middle Blocker: Mateusz Bieniek, Jakub Kochanowski, Bartłomiej Lemański, Łukasz Wiśniewski

Receiver: Michał Kubiak, Bartosz Kurek, Rafał Buszek, Artur Szalpuk

Libero: Paweł Zatorski, Damian Wojtaszek

Coach: Ferdinando De Giorgi

#DawidKonarski #PawelZatorski #EuropeanChampionships2017 #MichalKubiak #Poland

Poland - European Championships 2017 Roster
KacperAuthor 17 7
6 anni fa
Many changes in the frame and an important decision that did not go to Maciej Muzaj only Kaczmarek. In my opinion a good choice, but it pity me Aleksander Śliwka and Jakub Popiwczak. It is good that Kochanowski got a chance, because I think he is better than Wrona and Kłos.
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