Volley hitchhiking reached Bombai. For Kacper they have overcome more than 10,000 kilometers!

Kacper 2017-07-15 • 2222 visualizzazioni
 Volley hitchhiking reached Bombai. For Kacper they have overcome more than 10,000 kilometers!

13-year-old Kacper suffers from hydrocephalus and congenital malformations. Although he has undergone two operations recently, his illness has progressed and over time it became clear that the boy would have to move in a wheelchair.

To raise funds for a stroller and arrival, they decided to embark on a hitchhike - from Poland, through Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Dubai, Oman to India. In total, the volleyball players had to overcome more than 10,000 kilometers. During their journey they used hitchhiking, and their trip was reported on social media. The motorists took a photo of each driver who helped them with their trip.

Volunteers actively encouraged Kacprow, and for each deposit to the Association account over 50 zł sent a postcard.

On the journey Mateusz Przybyła and Patryk Strzeżek set off on 16 May. In less than three days they reached Istanbul, which was their first stop. They could use the shower and have a rest.

Then other Ottoman cities like Izmir, Antalya and Alanya were chosen. After their stay in Turkey they set out for the Middle East. In Iran, they met Lukasz Żygadlo, and they survived unforgettable adventures.

In Iran, volleyball players have decided to reach a place that can not be reached by car. Volunteers entered Demawend, a volcano in the Elbrus Mountains, and the highest peak of the country (5610 meters above sea level).

The peak attack began on June 12th at 4am and ended successfully after an eight-hour climb. For Mateusz Przybyły was the first captured volcano and the first five thousand. "It was the biggest test of character, endurance, strength and fighting with one's own body," he wrote on his Instagram profile.

The entire route was supposed to be hitch-hiking, but as they say - they suffered one defeat. The problem appeared in Bandar Abbas, from where they wanted to sail to Dubai. However, the weaves of various events made them have to use the plane.

They reached Mumbai after 56 days. For the middle MKS it is the end of the journey, while the Strokes is in Asia. The route the two volleyball players have visited can be seen on the dedicated Hitchhiker's website in Mumbai. During the expedition the competitors collected over 10,000 PLN. Although their journey has already ended, by the end of July you can deposit money into an association account. The cost of buying a wheelchair for Kacpra is about 15 thousand zlotys, and the family of the boy can not afford such expenditure.

#PatrykStrzezek #MateuszPrzybyla

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