DKI Jakarta

Jakarta, Indonesia

Informazioni su questo lavoro

Posizione: Opposto
Lavoro a partire dalla data: 2022-11-01
Lavoro a finire alla data: 2023-03-31
Data aggiunta: 2 anni fa
Visualizzazioni: 4086

Descrizione del lavoro

Looking for foreign players to play in the Indonesian Proliga season 2022-2023, specifically for male players with the following criteria: 1. Opposite position, strong attack, experienced in playing in the First Division in a country outside the country. Free agent status (either with club or agency) 2. Physical Posture: Minimum height 200cm, balanced weight, have a high jump, and good agility. Please send all information, both CV and Video Links (Youtube), via email to: [email protected] For applicants who do not meet the requirements, we will not respond to Inbox Messages/Emails.


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