Informazioni su questo lavoro

Posizione: Centrale
Stipendio lordo: [Mostra] USD / mese
Lavoro a partire dalla data: 2023-08-01
Lavoro a finire alla data: 2024-04-30
Data aggiunta: 1 anno fa
Visualizzazioni: 1692

Descrizione del lavoro

We are currently looking for a Male - position Middleblocker of the best quality, minimum height of 198 cm - 200cm has a high jump and good blocking technique, maximum age 30 years, experienced playing in the First Division in a country that has a good Volleyball tradition, and is not bound by a contract with a club, and also not bound by the agency/manager. Please email your CV and Video Links (full game and highlights) and contact Whatsapp to email: [email protected]


  • Apartemen, Airplane Tickets