
Jochen Schöps big headshot

vtnklmdc 2012-05-25 • 3511 visualizzazioni • 6
Jochen Schöps power! After hitting in the Sergey Tetyukhin's head ball flew to the stands. He was the best scorer of that 5-set game. He scored 19 points (4 aces and 15 spikes). He lost his competition with Maxim Mikhaylov (spiker of Russian NT), because he had just 11% efficiency in attack, while Mikhaylov had over 20%.

#JochenSchops #TheOlympics2008 #headshot

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6 commenti

Asia6PL 290 6
11 anni fa
wow :O jestem ciekawa jak to bolało
zverPL 995 13
11 anni fa
niby nie, ale widać że nie atakuje z pełną siłą, więc coś musi być na rzeczy :p
MalboroPL 545 3
11 anni fa
W meczu z Portugalią zdobył 13 pkt, czyli chyba nie jest z nim tak źle ;)
zverPL 995 13
11 anni fa
chodzą słuchy że Resovia, chce z nim zerwać kontrakt. Ponoć ma poważne problemy z barkiem...
kuba9426PL 441 7
11 anni fa
Cant wait to see him in Resovia :)
RenanZBR 1538 15
11 anni fa

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