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Marcin Możdżonek funny point

Maxik 2011-12-03 • 5072 visualizzazioni • 19
Pronostica i punteggi della pallavoloSei alla ricerca di emozioni di pallavolo?Pronostica i punteggi della pallavoloPronostica i punteggi della pallavolo
Sei alla ricerca di emozioni di pallavolo?Pronostica i punteggi della pallavolo

19 commenti

kaniaPL 180 4
11 anni fa
lucky because he is magneto
fabi3AT 124 3
12 anni fa
like giba :)
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 anni fa
Point of luck
AleNickelRO 259 6
12 anni fa
@Aelinn, actually, I've seen this video before, yeah, it happens sometimes, but not very often. I've also captured such a moment that proves the contrary at the match Remat-SKRA, when Gjoko Iosifov from Remat (he is 204) fools Mozdzonek. but generally, Mozdzonek is very attentive, mistakes like those ones are quite unusual for him
sakuPL 1032 9
12 anni fa
ta .. elokwentny Marcin jak mawia igła :D eloquent Marcin like Ignaczak says :D
AelinnPL 166 3
12 anni fa
About Możdżonek being invincible:
? It looks really funny, cause the guy who actually wins this is 187 cm compared to Mozdzonek's 211 cm? I know the height isn't everything and smaller players can continuously block taller ones, but this video makes me smile every time I see it. Mozdzone looks so lost and as if he was thinking: "How the hell is this even possible?" ?
AleNickelRO 259 6
12 anni fa
Mozdzonek is kinda funny in the cute way for the fact that he has all the time that serious face expression, being quite chill and relaxed, but in the same time he's so focused. he just has to raise his hands to block or to push gently the ball in the other part of the court to score a point. he's invincible :))
hanes233EE 987 5
12 anni fa
I have seen Stokr do it too :D
JolPL 3 1
12 anni fa
@zloty147 bodaj tak zwykł mawiać Zdzisław A.
zloty147PL 47 4
12 anni fa
Zagranie z głową Swędrowski swoimi wypowiedziami mnie rozbraja
scorpio111888PL 386 5
12 anni fa
jakby był niższy to tak by nie zrobił :D wszystko przez te 211 cm hehe :)
NagorPL 1445 14
12 anni fa
better than giba :D
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 anni fa
Giba style
pearlIT 1003 11
12 anni fa
He must have trained a lot to spike like that :D
bitkaPL 673 10
12 anni fa
his reaction was like "everything is under controll. i planned it" :D
RenanZBR 1538 15
12 anni fa
chest attack?
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 anni fa
very very lucky :)
tysiaPL 579 11
12 anni fa
masz rację:)
kuba9426PL 441 7
12 anni fa
Ale szczęście to 50% umiejętności :) // But lucky is a 50% of skill ;)

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