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Matey Kaziyski spike (Trentino Volley - Sir Safety Perugia)

soidensir3 2015-09-26 • 1966 visualizzazioni • 2
In the third match semi-finals of the Italian Serie A, Kaziyski scored great point. The Bulgarian player was well-known for his great attacks in this season and this one is definitely one of them. Trentino Volley defeated Sir Safety Perugia in five sets. The best scorer in the winning team was Matey Kaziyski with 25 points. On the other side Aleksandar Atanasijević scored 29 points for Perugia.

#MateyKaziyski #ItalianSerieA1201415 #powerfulspike

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2 commenti

Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
8 anni fa
legendary player, it will be interesting to see how he plays in a different league
BaodomsirVN 101 4
8 anni fa
nice action. he always so. a real leader

TOP20 di July
