
Mitteldeutschland in match (TV Bühl - Mitteldeutschland)

luck191 2012-12-05 • 1237 visualizzazioni
8-minutes movie with best moments of CV Mitteldeutschland in match against TV Bühl in Deutsche Bundesliga. Great work in the defence by Bradley Lawson on 0:31. He is young player of USA, who is now star of Bad Dürrenberg. Great game of Polish middle-blocker: Artur Augustyn (scored 5 points of block - 67% efficiency in attack). See also his amazing spike in 2nd meter on 3:30 and nice set by Oliver Binder. Augustyn is one of the best blockers in Deutsche Bundesliga. Best scorer of match was Christoph Helbig with 24 points. This was match from 9th round season regular.

#OliverBinder #ArturAugustyn #BradLawson #ChristophHelbig #CVMitteldeutschland #VolleyballBisonsBuhl #GermanBundesliga201213

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