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Resovia Rzeszów - Dynamo Moscow (Highlights)

GMCnetwork 2012-04-09 • 3828 visualizzazioni • 20
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20 commenti

ZakonkaPL 142 3
12 anni fa
@Resoviak: AndreAmaral kilka postów niżej napisał tytuł :)
ResoviakPL 16 1
12 anni fa
What is the title of music in this move ?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 anni fa
The only problem with the video is that the name doesn't correspond to the content - it is Resovia actions in this match, not match highlights, otherwise is very pleasant for watching :)
OverlookPL 280 5
12 anni fa
Wiseguy, have you never heard about licentia poetica?;-)
bitkaPL 673 10
12 anni fa
i was suprised that these 2 matches were so aligned. i thought that Resovia will play only when Dynamo will let them to do it but it wasn't like this. we have to admit that it's not the best Dynamo ever but they still know how to win ;)
GMCnetworkPLAuthor 37 5
12 anni fa
"true winners" are becasue nobody expected that Resovia's gonna be in final. Besides, when they were playing we couldn't see that budgets of this two clubs are uncomparable.
gienia111PL 153 6
12 anni fa
super video zresztą jak wszystkie twoje filmiki !
JassasfaSA 116 3
12 anni fa
hello guys
VolleyLandsPL 3 1
12 anni fa
Taki już bywa sport
wiseguyRU 45 2
12 anni fa
Yeah , true winners of course ))) , now they can talk about how does it feel to be on second place , with PGE Scra ;) P.S. Seems that this video is only for polish fans!
AndreAmaralPL 19 3
12 anni fa
artko : It's INTRO by The xx :D Pod każdym jego(?) filmikiem na YT możesz znaleźć wykonawcę utworu :p
artkoPL 32 1
12 anni fa
Bardzo dobry filmik. Przy okazji, czyja muze wykorzystales? Pzdr
GavottoVisottoPL 15 2
12 anni fa
Zrobili niesamowite widowisko. W obydwu meczach szala zwycięstwa mogła się przechylić na korzyść Sovii. Naprawdę jestem pod wrażeniem dyspozycji Resovii. Liczę na nich w walce o mistrza Polski!
supporteursPL 225 6
12 anni fa
Sovia i tak dla mnie wygrała ;)
AndreAmaralPL 19 3
12 anni fa
No doubt GMC is the best movie maker :D
KrisPL 71 4
12 anni fa
Od zawsze chciałem być zajebisty w czymś, widzę że ty już coś takiego osiągnąłeś. Wielki szacunek dla Ciebie od kibica Resovii :D
flea22PL 10 1
12 anni fa
oooo stary, szacunek za the xx! ;)
MilkaPL 116 3
12 anni fa
"Grozer can make a difference" totally agree ;p
QuestoPL 131 5
12 anni fa
Kolejny świetny filmik. Nie wiem jak Ty to robisz, ale jestem pod wrażeniem każdego nowego dzieła. Piękne mecze, szkoda tylko że zakończyły się właśnie tak...
EdoKaglieIT 432 4
12 anni fa
Grozer can make a difference

TOP20 di July
