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Skra Bełchatów- the only club where a controvensial call by a referee at 6:6 can somehow make the score 8:6 for the opponent instead of 7:5 for them (ask Pliński for the math formula). Glad Atanasijevic's close your eyes and go style completely let him down in the most important phase of these battles. My faith in the meaning of technical aspects of this beautiful sport had to undergo a big test. Partly Resovia blockers did their homework.

yeah, everyone looked at plinski

Well he himself made it hard not to.

what was purpose of such akrhems behave ?

Maybe a small repayment to AA for permanent contesting of every referee call with a monkey dance (even when challenge showed one of the spikes was in and off the block at the same time).
But where's the over-block spike? Proper title, wrong description.
1. Sergey Tetyukhin
2. Maxim Mikhaylov
3. Cristian Savani
Yes, he's been tossing the ball with his right hand (although the general form of his serve looks the same as far as I can remember). I don't know if it was just a single match he did it or he'll continue. Maybe he wanted to change something cause he opened the season with unusual amount of service errors (of course compared to the quality he presented before ).
Juantorena's trying to make his serve technique as weird as possible. We all got used to not tossing the ball till he plants his left foot (2 step approach) but now he started to toss the ball with his left hand (non hitting arm). What's next? A backflip right before.
It's always sad to see a battle like this finished by a significant referee mistake. Even despite the final result (which could be the same or different) potential emotions were taken away from the spectators. History knows plenty of matches finished that way, it's just another sign that video verification should be introduced worldwide.
Italian Games 11 anni fa 0
For the ones interested, there's a replay tomorrow on Rai Sport 1

13:05 Pallavolo: Campionato Italiano Maschile Serie A1 Itas Diatec Trentino - Cucine Lube Banca Macerata

But I suppose they might not show the whole match.
Believe me, almost every volleyball player can make a 130 km/h serve going out. Clayton can make 150 I'm sure ...

Wrong. A well covered ball goes faster than an unclean shot, pure physics. Statement that every player can hit the ball at 130km/h is as ridicolous as Clay Stanley doing 150...
No super oświadczenie, tylko nie wiem po co się tyle produkować, powinni od razu napisać: "Bardzo przepraszamy, że nas ku*wa oszukano". Teraz wszyscy ci, co od lat dziwią się ludziom, którzy Skry nie lubia/źle jej życzą nie powinni mieć czelności pytać o przyczyny, po prostu wyszło całe buractwo na wierzch w odpowiednim momencie. Niemoc sportowa Skry wprost proporcjonalna do ilości wiązanek wypluwanych przez jej graczy. Na szczęście to nie dresiarski freestyle, a siatkówka, tu wygrywa lepszy na boisku.
Jednak w kwadracie najbezpieczniej.
Is failing to set a regular (relatively precise) high ball a part of Stoychev's tactic? Answer yourself, that was just an example of what Zhekov tends to do when it comes to the most important actions- he lacks precision, in this case he did so much that there was no other way than a freeball for the opponent. Of course I'm not talking about extraordinary setting, which he doesn't know, but basic like against Slovakia.
Raylight I can't believe you dare to mention the match against Slovakia at ECH, you must be a real Zhekov freak if you couldn''t see that it was your pupil who screwed this game because he didn't have enough "skill" to set a regular high ball to Kaziyski in that action. Funny thing is that it was you who uploaded this match as far as I remember, don't know why it got deleted. The match against Cuba... let's just leave it, we'll save at least one ball from being eaten by Aleksiev. You said "playing with heart", well I have to worry you- it's volleyball not a charity. Skills are necessary, doesn't matter who's gonna pass/kill the ball.
Hey, don't underestimate Falasca, he put his 5 drzyzgas in Kurek's poor efficiency in 5th set. He sent Kurek on pipe just like Guma sent Winiarski in Pekin.

I have to disagree. Zagumny left Winiarski with only Bovolenta's wrists over (or even below) the net. Nevertheless Kurek proves once again he's just a hammer with his head boiling and pants getting wet in every important game. As long as he keeps that habit comparing him to world class spikers is being pointless. Let the fact he scored 4 points more for Kazan than for Skra speak for itself. Hopefully he can still practice his uber warm-up spikes, the hot teens won't be disappointed in any way, as he still remains the best.

Mozdzonek usually against stronger teams shows nothing special, nothing new with that. Skra is the only club who can buy good player to become stronger on particular position... to keep him then out of match squad. And when I read then article in one of the biggest sport newspapers that Kooistra is loosing rivarly with three Poles, especially Klos, because of lack of technique... *harakiri*

I have to completely agree.
So you can't like him neither, if you don't know him. Tell that all the people that adore him. Funny argumentation from your side.
Yeah, I would also like to know, but the speedometers are property of our league, which is not prone to lend them as we can see.
@Anty-PZPS No, it's not strange. Even though we are used to see them in every PlusLiga match, the last time we could see a speedometer during European Cups in Poland was Final Four in Łodź (2008).
Someone I think you're complicating too much, just like when you were saying "some balls were digable" under some highlight movie. Of course it looked like the Brazilian block took an option to block the middle, but still the credit goes to the setter, as he could see that, if we're going that analytic way. Of course the set by Petkovic lacks precision. Still do you think Nikic didn't want to block the middle at first when Marlon set? Watch it carefully. By the way, how can any setter clear the net without at least 2 blockers involved in any option to jump? That's what a classy setter can do- partly guess blocker's intensions, adding quick setting makes it esier for his teammates.
I noticed Mazur is trying to imitate Kostyra (boxing commentator in Polsat) modifying his voice, what sounds annoying. Besides he tends to negate almost all the things his mates are trying to say, doesn't matter if they're right or not. If you look at technical hints and genral volleyball philosphy Drzyzga wins, but of course he's biased in some aspects. Of course it's a matter of taste. I like Dębowski, he's such an incopetent commentator, talking some random shit but I find it funny, as he's not pretending to be a doctor of volleyball like Mazur. I remeber once Wlazły scored a point against Serbia in Beijing he screamed "Wlazły GOOOOOAAAALLLL!!!".

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